In the Welcome to Red Pill Women post it points out that “You have the ability and the requirement to become the optimal mate for your optimal mate.” That is in a nutshell the difference between Red Pill relationships and Blue Pill. The Blue pill demands that you “just be yourself” and demands that “they love you for who you are unconditionally.” However, putting these two things together usually ends up with the result of “there is no reason to try” since they are supposed to love you no matter what. This is how you end up with a society full of fat shrill slobs demanding they be loved for who they are. In many relationships the man isn’t satisfied with their woman, the woman isn’t satisfied with their man, but they’re in a standoff where each refuses to improve themselves in a way that would create satisfaction in the relationship because they demand to be loved for who they are, no matter how horrible they are. In the Red Pill both parties aim to be their mate’s ideal, but almost always in so doing you become your own ideal as well.

I recommend people watch the movie “Wife vs. Secretary” with Clark Gable and Myrna Loy. It’s not the greatest movie, but you get a glimpse of two people embodying the male and female ideal. (If Clark Gable isn’t your ideal, maybe you like more thuggish males, substitute your own movie.) In this movie you will see two characters who are obviously concerned with their spouse’s ideals and strive to meet them. Notice that Myrna Loy is not the feminist caricature of the long-suffering submissive wife. She is dignified, classy, sophisticated, fun, sexy, graceful. And yet she obviously makes an effort to remain appealing to her husband, alpha male extraordinaire Clark Gable. Of course we can’t all be Clark Gable and Myrna Loy, but we can improve ourselves and both give and receive greater satisfaction.

The topic of this post is how to dress. However, I am not going to discuss what to wear in the bedroom, which is covered in plenty of other places. As a minimum, you want to be the best dressed woman your man will encounter that day. But this is not saying much considering how low standards have fallen in America, you should aim higher than the minimum.

What to wear is context dependent. Unless you live in Downton Abbey you won’t be wearing top of the line evening dresses every day. In our more modest suburban houses it would be incongruent to overdress. You also need to dress age appropriate, what is appropriate for a teenage girl to wear is different from what a woman in her 20s or 30s or 40s would wear. The advice here is for mature women in marriages, most likely with kids in the house. You want to be sophisticated and classy, but this has the danger of being sexless and unfeminine. You want to be sexy and feminine, but this has the potential to be cheap and tawdry. Aim to hit the sweet spot between classy, sophisticated, feminine, and sexy. But remember, your man’s opinion is of utmost importance, and since you are probably undoing decades of bad advice, emphasize the feminine. To offer a crash course in Red Pill attire is to simply say throw out all your pants, flats, t-shirts, and boring underwear. (Of course you can keep a pair of jeans around for gardening and the like). This is not to be tawdry and sleazy (although there is a place for that in the bedroom). Definitely emphasize your curves. The outfit should hint at what’s beneath, but not give away the candy store for free. Nor does it mean wearing towering stilettos constantly. There are plenty of comfortable feminine shoes with a low blocky heel. Within this range, there is an enormous variety of ways to express yourself and be creative.

This is supposed to be fun; your thought should be “I can’t wait to see his eyes bulge out when he sees me in this!” Also, odds are you have always been interested in fashion but haven’t allowed yourself to indulge in your own true desires and fantasies. When you fully ingest the Red pill you will despise your husband for NOT demanding you dress better. What high status man would put up with a woman who has such low standards!? Why does he put up with this? Why does he lack a backbone to go for what he wants? Why is he being such a pussy? And when he finally comes around and says “those shoes are unacceptable, put on your black pumps before we go out” you will get the tingles. Now he’s not taking any crap. Now he has standards. Now he cherishes me. Now he motivates me to be my best. Now he is acting like a man. Not dressing nicely for your man is a slap in the face. You both know you could dress better, and probably did when you were first dating, and so not dressing nicely now tells him, you are not worth my best. Somewhere inside you know you’re not giving him your best, and that you don’t respect him for tolerating it.

Of course, it’s not totally fun if you’re the only one playing the game. Your husband will need to step up his standards as well. But women need to be aware of what they are asking for as they tend to beta-ize their men. There is the stereotype of the woman buying a pink polo shirt and powder blue sweater for him to tie around his shoulders, and in so doing creating a man she is not attracted to at all. You are looking for what you find sexy in a man, for what turns you on. What you want is for him to be the best dressed man in the competition among men, not in some weird competition with your girlfriends. Of course, if your husband is an electrician or plumber he is not going to be wearing a suit everyday so there needs to be generous leeway. Also, you need to understand that it is complicated for men. A man who dresses incongruently will come across as try-hard. This actually serves to expose his weaknesses more than demonstrate his strength. A rich man wearing a suit exposes his strengths whereas a poor man doing the same exposes his weaknesses. It is like a fat woman by wearing heels and a miniskirt will make herself look worse, not better, by exposing her failings. It would probably be better for a poor man to wear a wife beater if it exposes his muscles.