Long post, sorry guys A bit of history - I'm 32, she's just turned 30, been together 8 years, married 4. 2 kids, 4m 2f. Swallowed the red pill 6 months ago, and it's slowly digesting. I believe in it 100%, but I'm a stupid mother fucker and struggle to make things habitual.

Rocky relationship, but she is hot (HB7/8 even after 2 kids), clever and funny. Generally quite a red pill woman, very successful, very driven, MD of a sports nutrition brand. I was always alpha/sigma before we got together. Plates, abundance mentality, pack leader. I lifted, worked as a bouncer as well as running my own business. When we got together, I slowly became more and more beta,by the time we married I was a beta faggot. She was the boss, I was her bitch.

I got ill - depression. Killed my business, got REALLY fat. She stayed, but behaved like a c*nt. shit sex, almost a dead bedroom. Really treated me like shit, but stayed, hasn't strayed (99.9% sure).

Anyway, I've pulled myself around. Depression treated, lifting, eating healthy (IIFYM), lost 100lb+. Looking better than I have in years. Dressing well, good haircut, stubble, smell good, etc. I instigated some TRP methods which worked to an extent. The played some dread cards. Nothing major - new boxers, going out a little, mentioning discussions with the women at work, new aftershave etc.

She started commenting on this, and I thought it was working. I held frame on every shit test. However, I thought that she had been going through my phone - so I changed my password. Didn't make a deal of it, said nothing - hoped that if she called me on it I would just brush it off again. BIG mistake! She has gone ballistic - screaming, shouting, demanding access to my phone, email, etc.

I have done nothing wrong - never even looked at another woman - so I stood my ground, told her she is being ridiculous and offensive, and that if she honestly thinks that I would cheat on her then perhaps she should leave.

She has threatened everything (she will leave me/ruin me/cheat on me/ take the kids/ad nauseum) and gone to bed in a huff. Wants me on the sofa - fuck that.

My question is - wtf do I do now?