I used to fuck this girl, it was a really hypogamous relationship tbh and was on and off for about 5 months, but it was good. We clicked.

Anyway, in Feb, she hits me up with a LJBF because she "needs me" in her life and she's not ruling out "that we'll be together in the future" but she really needs to be serious this year(she's a top academic student and excels in sports) so that she can get accepted by a uni. I do tell her that I don't do female friends and she respects this and we stop talking for about two weeks.

She gets back to me telling me she "can't do this" and doesn't feel comfortable being in the middle(we're not fucking but not friends either). I was wasted that day so I tell her that although I would not compromise, I had no problem with being at least cordial if we met in public(we clicked, really really intensely).

I sober up the next day, and I text her: "Nah, you're right. I'm not doing this. Idc anymore. Bye." and block her immediately. She doesn't block me back. It's been over a month and all my other relationships have felt "empty" compared to this one, and I genuinely miss her. I'm hoping that the timeout has wiped the LJBF shit from her mind. Should I unblock her?