In short, I was invited to a party this weekend thrown by a girl I was trying to game, and so I went. Tried flirting, applying light kino and all in all I had fun but she just wouldn't reciprocate, as in refusing to dance, refusing to isolate etc. So I toned it down. Thing is later on I got so bored as everybody just wanted to dance salsa (they had been doing this for 3 hours) so I started taking a nap. That's when she comes up to me and legit boots me out by saying that I look tired, and I should go home and sleep as she doesn't want to be responsible "for me passing out or something".

This is when I realise that the party;s been fun but gotten boring, and I have made absolutely zero progress with this chick and I don't want to dance salsa anymore. So I just say bye and go home. OK, she's not interested, so I next. She sends a message the next morning asking if I got home alright. I give that a "seen". She asks again that night, can't be bothered so I seen that too. Now she's having my sister tell me that she doesn't want "our friendship ruined" by her kicking me out, and she doesn't want any hard feelings between us. And her friends are also bugging me and asking me if I'm upset / mad on her.

A disclaimer, I don't want to be her pickle jar opener, "just friends" guy who secretly wants to fuck her and honestly this is becoming annoying, should I just completely ignore and avoid her?