Old girl I am with, flakes on me twice, sex is non existent now that she’s found Jesus, she barely has time for me cause of her new job, barely hits me up unless she wants to rant or has issues. Never initiated anything, and when she is free she’s lounging around sleeping or wasting time. Claims she still loves me has feelings but actions say otherwise.

New girl is 19 yo, a freak calls me daddy even tho I am only a few years older, actually sends me good morning text, seems to support me and is amazing. Haven’t fucked yet, but we definitely foreplayed for hours and she’s a freak. I am over seas right now for vacation and she hits me up more then my soon to be ex. That’s just shows who cares more. Now the question is I’d feel real bad (blue pill morals) abdoning her for this new toy. Best way to break up with my current gf without seeming like an ass? Am I crazy willing to give my old gf a chance if she realizes and changes?