VRX Social Dance Guide:
Part II (The Scene)
Part II of my dance guide* is finally here. Part I: [Game] is here.
Part II addresses the social dynamics and psychology of the social dance Scene.
*Disclaimer: this guide is intended to cover night game, not classes or socials necessarily. My dance style is country swing/club two-step.
Table of Contents
I. Limitations of The Red Pill
II. The Crowd
III. The Vibe
IV. Alcohol and Substance Usage
V. Groups and Lone-Wolfing
VI. Being a Top Lead
VII. Conflict Resolution
VIII. Burnout Management
I Limitations of The Red Pill
I really didn't want to start this guide out with this section, but it would be a disservice if I didn't. Seeing as this is a Red Pill guide, I wish I could tell you that you can RP your way through The Scene but you honestly can't. You can handle and react to circumstances in Red Pill ways and succeed with Red Pill tools, but there is no magic RP success formula that will outweigh the level of moral decay and sluttery in The Scene. Your main tools as a man are completely gone in The Scene:
Nexting doesn't work
Plate spinning is impractical
- Women's opportunities outweigh yours
You can be the Chadliest Chad in The Scene but that doesn't mean anything in the end. Women there have you by the balls unless you are genuinely capable of not caring. Even the best of frame will die death by a thousand papercuts here.
The incentive structure for women to respect you in The Scene is markedly lower than their incentive structure to have leverage over you and to fulfill their maximum solipsistic potential of having "fun". Most women who know that you are a regular there will assume that you would never actually go nuclear and delete them from your life in plain sight, because they understand men well enough to know they have the upper hand at a night venue, particularly if they are one of your main dance partners and mistakenly think that you need them.
1.1 Nexting doesn't work
This is hands down the biggest problem with sexual strategy and RedPilling your way through The Scene. You CANNOT next women for poor behavior. I mean you can TRY, but it is extremely difficult, ESPECIALLY if you are a good dancer and they are addicted to you and their friends and associates also dance with you.
The fundamental problem here is their in-person public access to you. You can hard next them even over the most vitriolic text you've ever sent in your life, and they will still come up to you because they know where you will be. They will face zero consequences socially or otherwise for harassing you after you've made clear you're done, whereas if you did that you'd get kicked out. Their friends will pressure you to make peace as they mope nearby every night. They will creepily stare at you every night, even if they are with a new guy. They will spite dance right next to you on repeat. Or worse they vengefully spread shit about you, false or not.
Even when I have rightfully ghosted women there, the sheer tension I felt having to walk straight by them and be cold as a man ruins your headspace even if it was warranted. It is very difficult to have fun when you are walking past 2/3 women you are on bad terms with a night even if they entirely deserved it. It is difficult having good frame and game when you have contempt for exes every night.
1.2 Plate spinning is impractical
For the same reason nexting doesn't work, as long as you are in the same scene as them regularly, spinning plates is extremely impractical, especially the higher value you are there.
"Wait Vermillion, if you are valuable then wouldn't they be more okay with sharing you?"
Yes and no.
I never saw more than one woman at once at the dance halls, but even so, they always without fail got unreasonably jealous and vindictive seeing dozens of women approaching me all night and having the time of their life around me. Without fail even when I didn't game other women they got dreaded into oblivion and very evidently went for other men right in front of me, partly because they were hoes but also they mentally and emotionally couldn't handle the sheer options I had and couldn't share.
To be fair, I knew too many men there. I had no interest in shaking the hands of dudes my chicks were fucking and sometimes I actually ended up doing so unknowingly because they lied to me, and I ghosted them for it. Good for you if you can handle that but I sure as fuck didn't want to. It feels violating as hell shaking hands with your tunnel buddies.
"Vermillion, just hold frame bro, lol"
Even when I wasn't fucking any women there, women I wasn't even fucking would get extremely angsty if they couldn't get "their turn" and cause me stupid levels of drama. It's cute when one dumb hoe is doing it, but I'd have 12 doing it. It isn't fun. That shit piles up and it's fucking draining when you're popular. Again, this was from women I wasn't even fucking. I never wanted to experience the nuclear drama of fucking multiple plates there.
1.3 Their options outweigh yours (badly)
Like I mentioned above for:
can't next women
- impractical spinning plates
I think this part is going to only applicable to guys who care if a girl is fucking other men. I personally care, I have never had an STD and don't want to play telephone games trying to figure out who is clean or not every time they fuck a new person, or their other person fucks a new person, too. It personally isn't worth it to me on a visceral level either. I don't like thinking about it, I like keeping my affairs simple until my turn is over.
I have tried outright monogamy there and I have tried telling girls they are free. Every one of them all lied to me that they only wanted me, except for one. They just want to cockblock you via possessive exclusivity lies.
I wasn't willing to swap cocks with guys I talked to every night so I'd end things.
Their options are stacked against you. If you can let that roll of your shoulders, good for you. I don't like playing STD roulette, but if you are okay with them hooking up with other guys then that's your prerogative.
There is no amount of RP wizardry you can engage in to stay a top option EVEN IF YOU ARE THEIR TOP OPTION, if you are trying you have embarked on a lost cause. Your only resolve here is to just drop them cordially BEFORE shit hits the fan or ghost them afterwards or tell them "you need space to meet new people now" after they've hard fucked up.
Don't have any expectations from women you fuck there. Having expectations in The Scene is the equivalent of leaving your car doors and windows unlocked in an inner city and being disappointed that you got robbed.
II The Crowd
This section is for the understanding the type(s) of people that are going to these venues. I would strongly argue that the type of people these scenes attract essentially determines virtually all of the social norms and experiences you will get here. Your entire experience there is going to be downstream from the crowd because they set the overarching venue norms.
2.0 People in The Scene (overview)
One thing I had wish I'd known about The Scene (despite how obvious it should have been) is that most people in The Scene are psychologically damaged people with loads of baggage and addictions. They usually have insomnia, trauma, and other clinical disorders, love to drink, do not have many stable connections outside of clubs, choosing to binge nights out instead of getting up earlier on a weekend for nature or other enjoyments. They're people entirely okay with or tolerating degeneracy and cutthroat competition and don't mind touching or being touched by strangers all night (especially in social dance).
Most people in The Scene are looking for fun and flings, an "outlet" and an "escape." Few genuinely care about their dance progress as a hobby compared to the dopamine hits from lays, drinking, friends, and "fun" that dance gives them. You can usually tell who sees dance as an end to itself versus a means to an end. I would strongly recommend gravitating towards the former for friends and lays.
**This is your baseline crowd and as mild as it gets. It only gets more degenerate from baseline up.***
2.1 Regulars vs. Non-Regulars
This distinction is major for habits and behaviors in The Scene.
Super regulars: go out every night venue is open
Regulars: go each week or a couple of the nights a week
Semi-regulars: they make uncertain appearances that vary
- Randoms: bar hoppers, first time going, out for one occasion, visiting town
The single biggest threat in The Scene are the super regulars. This is where 95% of the drama and chaos comes from. Unfortunately, due to proximity, rapport, attraction, and seeing each other often, these will be the people you end up laying or befriending. It is also the worst for both. The biggest issue is because of all the cutthroat night game and bullshit there they will all know everyone's dirt, be part of the dirt, too. They'll have their friends and foes and grievances with you and everyone else over time, like in high school.
You would be better off laying randoms and not making friends with regulars. The problem is if you are an amazing dance lead you will inadvertently convert randoms or semi-regulars into super regulars. Every time I hit it off with a random, they started going all the time. It was a major catch 22. I was damned if I did and damned if I didn't.
2.2.0 Women in The Scene
Whereas men in The Scene tend to be more variable, the women in The Scene tend to neatly fit into 3 different, yet distinct, categories:
Well-meaning women
Typical club girls
- Turbo sluts
2.2.1 Well-meaning women
(less than half of 1% of women there)
For all intents and purposes, based on my experience in 3 years, don't even bother assuming these women exist. I have met 3 tops in 3 years, banged only one.
Well-meaning women, as far as my self-interpreted distinction of them is here, are women who genuinely are trying to do things "The Right Way™". They will NOT go home with guys without a date or serious intent, because they can't stomach it. They are genuinely trying to follow a typical lady-like role of just having fun with dance and if they like a guy they will only go on dates if even.
These women exist but it is statistically not worth assuming any are, EVER.
2.2.2 Typical club women
(80-90% of women there)
Unlike well-meaning women, the typical club girl (or worse, turbo slut) are there for tingles. The overwhelming majority of women there are going for tingles and fun [up to interpretation] and will go home with right guy at the right time at the right place, which isn't much for them if you can dance well, look alright, and have even mid-range social skills and drop mildly sexual token innuendo.
Their bar is higher than turbo sluts but if they are bored enough, haven't had sex in long enough (usually 2-3 months is "long" for them), or it's a special enough night like their birthday or they saw their cheating ex out or you are their type, and have enough plausible deniability, they will fuck you. Even if you have to dance with them for 2 weeks or go on one to two dates or wait till their friends go home early one night.
2.2.3 Turbo Sluts
(9% or so of women there)
Like the typical club girls, turbo sluts are motivated by tingles and boredom, except that turbo sluts are specifically there for sex, usually narcissists and psychologically fucked. They tell their friends they want to fuck a guy that night (or every night), they roam around specifically looking for dick, they interact with every guy there looking for or hoping for him to wet her vajay. That's why they came out. Not for the kind of dance without dick in vajay.
It is usually pretty easy to spot a turbo slut if you've seen them out more than one time because every night, they are roaming the venue with their wing woman who is also a turbo slut, and you can see them being heavily gamed by a new guy every night if not two different guys in the same night. It is extremely obvious, especially when they only drink and barely even dance at all. Avoid turbo sluts. They are horrible lays.
2.3. Men in The Scene (enemies)
Men that I would consider to be in the hostile categories (some of these are NOT mutually exclusive):
AFCs and white knights
Faux "Chads"
- Haters
2.3.1 AFCs and white knights
I don't think I need to expand on this much. Just understand neither are particularly worth dealing with, but both are adversarial cockblockers. Diffuse as you would in any game guide. Just know that AFCs tend to be guys that aren't in a girl's group and white knights tend to be from their friend group. White knights are often AFCs, but I digress.
2.3.2 Faux "Chads"
One less common, yet more obnoxious archetype you will encounter, is the otherwise dance "Chad" (high SMV, jacked, good game), yet who actually don't believe in their own product they are selling: themselves. The second they sniff that you are getting near their level (their paper tiger level) they will start getting dismissive, hostile, or gossiping about you like a salty bitch in high school.
My theory is that is as you improve, they don't want to have to share women and prospects with you so they keep you as a non-friendly competitor as cope.
NEVER (I mean NEVER) befriend an insecure "Chad" here. They will 100% undermine you.
2.3.3 Snakes
Should be self-explanatory. Friend on the surface, traitor behind your back. They usually cater to you for access while also leeching off of you and putting a bad word in when you're not present.
Upon finding out a snake is a snake do not attempt to reconcile. Immediately call them out purge them from your circle. They will never change. Punish immediately and permanently.
2.3.4 Haters
Self-explanatory. May or may not be men that know you personally. Typically, they are just jealous and insecure. They usually hate from a distance but if you find out someone in your inner circle is a hater, abandon them on the spot.
2.4.0 Men in The Scene (allies)
Allies deserves a section because they balance out the foes:
Friends and acquaintances
Hype men
- Students
2.4.1 Friends and acquaintances
Self-explanatory. However, I will say, do not upgrade acquaintances that you've met at dance halls unless they have shown time and time again that they aren't enemies. One of the most tell-tale signs they are genuine friends are if they invite you places outside of the halls and stick by your side through thick and thin. Rare but they are there.
2.4.2 Hype men
Self-explanatory, but in case: they just hype you up. They tell you that you are very good, killing it out there, they recommend or bring you chick friends that want to learn, they are always putting in a fantastic word for you. Usually they aren't even your friends, you just inspire them. I've rarely seen hype men become snakes. Cherish them.
2.4.3 Students
If you are good at dance, it is highly unlikely you can go your entire time there without teaching anyone your stuff. After all, it is a huge ego boost, and some dudes click with you. It is not a bad thing to have good students, although many guys will just plain use you and selfishly waste your dance time.
I always directed students to find me during line dance time and not to find me when I had partner dances come on. I always told them that in advance and when a partner song came on, I was always quick to bail. Otherwise, you lose out on your own time and opportunities. Don't be afraid to be selfish here because they understand. If they don't understand it is because they don't care about you or respect you.
I have had some students become very solid friends. Teaching also boosts your social rep and expands your inner circle. Teaching also inadvertently gets a lot of girls to your table and into your orbit, too. Do not shirk on getting students as allies if they are cool men.
One thing I want to say is that over time I stopped teaching beginners and only taught advanced moves. Beginners often are drunk and completely wasted my time and couldn't remember jack shit that I taught them. If you teach, tell people to go learn basics from other people first and to go acquire some practice partners before you teach them. Beginner dudes are often horrible investments. Learn from my mistakes.
By the end of my time here, way too many fucking people wanted to learn from me, and I gave away over $30,000 worth of lessons at the dance halls because no one wanted to help me when I was new. Don't just teach anyone for nothing.
III The Vibe
3.0 Venue type
Using the Oxford Dictionary definition of Vibe:
The emotional state or the atmosphere of a place as communicated to and felt by others.
While this guide is only geared towards night game, night venues can still differ quite a bit from each other. I'd say I've been to about 6 country dance halls. They all had a substantially different vibe to the point even the people that go are much different.
Just going to abbreviate this part. Music types, dance styles, age specials (under drinking ages but still adults), the availability of family nights, the kind of entertainment specials they offer (concerts, wet t-shirt contests, etc.) will all massively change the vibe. Location can matter tremendously, too. If the venue is somewhat isolated it will draw in much different people than if it is on the same street as a lot of other bars.
This will all affect the vibe a lot because different crowds of people will be drawn to different sources of "fun". You should both avoid or be drawn to the same vibe you are looking for accordingly in your venue choices. Not all social dance venues are equal.
3.1 General Agenda of Venue-Goers
Based on the above factors, a lot of people will go to certain venues based on what is offered. If for example the venue offers dance but there is a lot of other basic nightclub degeneracy available like a lot of bars and games, that is going to be the vibe. It will just be a bar with dance. If the main entertainment is dance, and there just happen to be a couple bartops without any other bar entertainment, it will be a dance floor with a bartop versus the former.
I'm not saying dance without much club shit makes it pure, I've met huge sluts at both, all I am saying is you primarily get what people primarily go for. The clubbier it is, the more gossip and cutthroat clubby horseshit you are going to get, even if they are easier lays. People at dance halls, will however, tend to still be pretty similar regardless of venue type just because it is an alcohol-filled environment, late at night, with touching and meeting random strangers.
IV Alcohol and Substance Use
I wish I'd known this when I had first started social dancing.
If you go social dancing sober or mostly sober, you will generally only attract other sobers. Conversely, if you drink a lot, sober people will be generally not having fun talking to you. Even if your speech or movement is only slightly impaired, it is easily detectable to a sober person. If you drink, you will inadvertently only talk to other drinkers.
The more you drink, the more degeneracy you will attract. You will not notice other people's degeneracy because you are in a similar mental state, and they will have higher rapport with you than they otherwise would if you looked down on it. On nights I was fully sober, I avoided otherwise cute girls and polite dudes that stumbled a little bit or seemed ditzy from alcohol whereas I would have spent time on them if I were a couple drinks in.
If you MUST drink, go early and pre-game mildly (2 or less standard drinks) BEFORE people really show up. Let your nerves calm and do not order anything at the bar the rest of the night. If you must order a drink, reserve it for: celebrations, if someone buys one for you (happens often enough if you are a good dancer), as you’re getting a lot closer to a pull with a chick who has barely drank yet herself, or if it is your birthday. Tell yourself you will have a drink when you get home instead if you are getting too tempted.
There were so many horrible women and friends I got involved with when I was drinking more, do not go social dancing and drink! (beyond a mild amount, but preferably not at all)
V Groups vs. Lone-Wolfing
If I could go back in time and change one thing, it would be to never get into a group there.
BE A LONE WOLF (or at most a wolf pack with another guy you roam with)
Apart from the inevitable probability your group(s) will devolve into high school-level grudges and drama, I wasted so much of my fun, potential, and opportunities in groups. I had no more social proof or pre-selection in groups than I would have had roaming around by myself or with another guy I trusted. By the time I quit The Scene I had lost my closest "friend" group in one fell swoop. I'd cycled in and out of multiple groups my time there. None of these fucks mattered. I met too many snake men as "friends" too. Groups aren't worth a damn. DON'T GET IN THEM. If you have to have a group solely to place your coat and belongings next to, fine, but do not stay near them during the night.
BE A LONE WOLF. I cannot understate the night and day difference I had in my first year and a half in The Scene compared to my last year and a half in The Scene. My first year was marked by a lot of one-on-one time gaming women and having a blast, hour-to-two-hour sets, FWBs that would come and leave with me and barely dance with other guys, a lot of dates, pulling to my house more, never really having to stop and waste time on anyone, and social dancing all the rest of the time with a lot of women, etc.
BE A LONE WOLF (with one or two other lone wolf or solid bro wingmen at most for pairs of women to approach).
Also, as mentioned in my Part I, avoid giving people ammunition about yourself and avoid The Scene drama.
VI Being a Top Lead
It is self-explanatory what it is like to be a newbie lead who doesn't know what he is doing and who most women therefore won't really want to dance with. Your dynamic, however, changes tremendously when you hit the top percentiles of being a lead. Be prepared for this change because it will fundamentally change your time there in both good and shit ways. Even going from top 20% to top 1% is a celebrity-level difference.
You will eventually get asked to dance by too many women way too fucking much. Personally, I had to start saying, "I'm good, but thank you" to tons of women and refusing to teach anyone that wasn't a woman or a husband because it was too overwhelming to say "yes" to all of them. I also had to slow fade follows I didn't want any more. Personally, I will only dance with 7's and up (or enthusiastic 6's) because I can afford to. Being the top is fun as hell but without boundaries it is stressful and draining.
You will also accumulate a large number of haters and users. Guys who can't stay better than you who were formerly better than you will resort to shitting on you instead of improving. Another reason to be a lone wolf. Being a lone wolf will isolate you from a lot of the drawbacks of being top tier while maximizing your standing.
Again, like my part I guide. The best way to get very good at dance is to acquire practice partners to practice with OUTSIDE of The Scene at the gym, a local park, your house, or during dead opening hours of the venue(s). You will never become a top lead by ONLY practicing during social times. Commit to serious one-on-one practicing and learning new moves for a couple of hours per session.
VII Conflict Resolution
7.1 Broken Plates
If you are successful, especially top tier, loads of women will throw themselves at you. I have been gamed by women countless times at the dance halls. You will probably end up with lays and thus inevitably broken plates.
As mentioned before, all the women there are essentially club girls or turbo sluts. You should never commit to any. "Exclusivity" is one thing but they will ALWAYS sneak dick, especially since you won't be committing to them. Even if they tell you they "only want you" (they always lie about this) they will inevitably try to fuck another guy or break.
My biggest advice to have resolution with broken plates there is to go out on top and break THEM before they can disrespect you. If you catch them in obvious lies, clearly hitting it off with another guy more, leave with another guy, etc. (to the point you can't tolerate them anymore and depending on what your arrangement with them was) break them as a plate with a LJBF ("let's just be friends") speech, tell them why you no longer want to fuck, and that you don't mind still dancing here and there.
Do this BEFORE it hits critical mass. It will ALWAYS hit critical mass, these are club sluts after all. Know the signs and cordially and respectfully break plates before it gets tense and awkward for you. You will thank me for dodging bullets. Otherwise, you will be plagued with resentment and having to cold-shoulder them after they lie and whore around in front of your face. If you go out on top, at least they will be obsessed with you and their new dick will always pale in comparison.
There are some women you should NOT reconcile with there, particularly evil or narcissistic ones. There are a few I refuse to reconcile with because, like snakes, they are just going to keep abusing me. Sometimes bridges need to stay burnt here with broken plates.
7.2 Beef with Men
As mentioned already, men will hate you for various reasons, mostly just from insecurity and jealousy or the girl they wanted to bang or is banging would rather dance with you. Most of the time it is also for no reason at all. There are plenty of bored retards there that need hate to sustain their sad life.
Again, if this point wasn't beaten like a dead horse enough, if you are a lone wolf the number of men who will backstab or undermine you drops astronomically. You will have far less problems with men there if you don't have many to interact with. The worst they can do is get jealous and possibly shit talk you.
Most of the problems I've had with men there were my own damn "friends". The rest were just haters or guys that interrupted a dance with a girl (although the interrupting dropped to basically zero when I got top-tier).
Never fight or risk or your standing with retards there when they get in your face. especially drunks. If you followed my part I guide you should be friends with all of security and be an asset to them and they will return the favor. Always de-escalate with facts and retreat if they get belligerent.
If it's a white knight just let him take the fall with his save a hoe for being a complete, buzzkill bitch. His women know it's a turn-off. Just let them deal with it in the background, they usually just stop inviting the white knight out without you doing anything, or they find ways to get around it. The chicks that don't aren't worth it anyway.
VIII Burnout Management
8.1 Distancing from Retards
This SHOULD be intuitive but I can't tell you the amount of times I tolerated some retards because I was too polite. The simplest way to reduce this form of burnout is to reduce the level of contact you have with retards. It is an easy strategy to miss in the moment and under social pressures.
8.2 Venue Cycling
If you can pull it off or if it is even an option in your area, it is not a bad idea to go to one venue one day and another venue another day. Cycling venues will increase demand and mystery for you when you reappear at the other venue, and reduces bullshit burnout at any one place.
8.2 Breaks
It can be tempting to never take breaks but sometimes you need to go do other stuff. One of my regrets was not taking breaks. I would have horrible nights in a row because of bullshit, etc. and never had it in me to either just go to a different venue for a couple of weeks or take some time off. Breaks are good and help you reset when you come back. Know when to give yourself a mental break, The Scene is Red Pill on hard mode.
8.3 Quitting
Know when to throw in the towel. I hit that point recently. Now I just go to the more dead venue in my area with a few follows and while there is virtually no Scene there because of how dead those nights are, I still get to put in a lot of practice and enjoy the hobby with no bullshit and I still get to get some approaches in for fun.
Have a backup plan for quitting. Get tons of follows who would love to still practice with you or follow you out of there to continue your hobby after you hit the eject button. Consider starting a dance channel on YouTube or Instagram once you hit that level. In my case I finally got betrayed by my entire group and got burned by a covert narcissist that I didn't want to keep avoiding (again, lone wolf you guys).
I still am able to practice a ton and am still going strong at my hobby and on the upswing. Know when it's time.
lambOfGod 2w ago
Thanks for the guide, it has been of good help to me for navigating the scene.
I think the dance scene is a good platform for one to use it as a starting point to being more social and exploring other social opportunities.
If one gets attached to this scene and uses it as the only point of going out in the world, it would be a terrible idea. This scene has one of the shittiest people you will ever meet. Therefore, you will start to get unmotivated and discouraged after some time to go out and explore your social options.
I'd say some good things that one can do is to:
Never get attached to a single dance school (high drama potential or bad/slow teachers/teaching style, cash cowing)
You can improve on your own and WITH a partner much faster than taking classes, if you put the work in.
Always be friends with everyone and be ready to call out shit if some people are throwing hate at you (you will never find as many jealous people if you're good at dancing and handsome)
Don't dive into the groups (little cult churches) that form in dance schools or advanced venues. The chance for drama is extremely high and these cultist groups are worse than your average ESG Corporate bullshit. Life's too short to always be on your toes and passively brush off these things. Your bullshit from 9-5 is enough.
Many beginners are the friendliest, but they're also quick to bail out. Use this as an opportunity to befriend some of them either for dance practice or for growing your social circle in real life. If the beginner sucks at dancing but is a decent human, he might be a great House DJ or has a friend who owns a boxing gym.
A great exercise to not take things personal. Learn to absolutely not give a fuck. This is how you will also get laid the most. Most people will forget about you in a matter of weeks, and that's if they know you.
Thanks again for your guide man.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 2w ago
Thank you man, feedback like this keeps me writing.
These are all also good points that supplement the post. #1 was my mistake. I never branched out in 3 years because of FOMO and being anxious about what plates might do if I wasn't there in a given night, #6 is imperative and i stopped doing #6 at the 1.5 year mark because of burnout and being in groups.
Definitely good advice you have. You need to remove yourself emotionally from the scene and merely use it as a launch pad for skills, confidence, social practice, learning to hold frame under the shittiest encounters, catching up on sexual xp (if behind as a man because these are easy lays if handsome and good dancer) and just having another hobby in the toolbox.
The Scene should absolutely under no circumstances be an end goal unto itself, but rather a useful checkpoint in a man's development. Plus knowing how to dance will help curtail girlfriends and wives from wanting to get it out of their system elsewhere. All around invaluable skills to have if you do not let the way you acquire the skills suck out and decay your soul.
throaaasd21 2w ago
How would you recommend finding a partner to practise one on one to get skills? And why would any follow be open to practice with a beginner?
Also, what types of dances would you recommend learning? Should I stick to 1 dance style, or keep learning a few to have more venue options?
Vermillion-Rx Admin 2w ago
Read the FAQs on my part I
Also do the style you like the most. there is little to no benefit of doing two different major styles as a beginner. Why confuse yourself like that with almost no exp in a single style? Pick one and get good at it
I'm going to answer most of your question on your other Post because you ALREADY HAVE a partner and aren't utilizing her