This comes in response to some pushback I received on my previous post, in which I suggested that your husband ought to be your number one in the whole world. Some people took issue with this, arguing that your children should come before your husband. I will make a case for why your husband should always be the center of your universe.

Marriage is a unique bond, unlike any other. It's a fragile bond that will easily disintegrate if left unattended.

Did you ever not see your sibling for a few months? Did you ever not see a close friend for a few months? When you meet up once more, you can continue where you left off.

You can do no such thing in marriage. If you don't constantly nurture the bond, it will quickly unravel.

The bond you have with siblings and friends, is a bond based on sameness. Thus, it is a bond that is cold and still. You can leave it alone for a while and pick up where you left off.

The bond of marriage is a bond of opposites. There are always opposite forces at play, pulling you apart. You must be active to keep the bond going. Thus, this is a fiery, passionate bond that is in constant motion. A bond that must always be actively maintained.

Therefore, if you want your marriage to survive - let alone, thrive - you must treat your husband as the center of your universe.

But how can you neglect the needs of your children?

Good question. This is perhaps the only caveat that I'd place. Yes, when there is an immediate need, you must tend to the helpless child before you tend to your husband.

Obviously! The baby cannot change its own diaper, cannot feed itself, clothe itself etc.

However, you don't need to be doing this 24/7. Even when life gets hectic, you can still make your husband feel like the center of your universe. A simple example of this would be to express appreciation for what he does and yearning for longer and deeper connection in the future. You can always nurture that flame, each and every day.

When you aren't constantly putting out fires with the children - a little planning goes a long way. Plan into your schedule, daily bonding time with him. I remember growing up, my parents spent 30-45 minutes having tea together every night and we were not allowed in! Yes, sometimes their tea was shortened or canceled due to a screeching baby… but generally speaking, they made a point of doing it every day and they're still at it!

Tending to the needs of dependent children, need not interfere with prioritizing your husband.

But my husband is a grown adult who can care for himself!

Yes. He certainly is. I'm sure he took care of himself just fine, before he met you. He didn't marry you because he needs you, he married you because he wants you.

As explained earlier, the marriage bond will disintegrate if left unattended. You may have a thousand reasons and justifications for why you shouldn't have to treat him as your number one priority, but if you want a successful marriage - this is what you need to do.

But I don't want to turn him into a narcissist.

Don't worry about that. The world will give him plenty of beatdowns and lessons in humility. Your job is to be his biggest fan, his support team, his cheerleader, his safe space.

But it feels weird.

Yes. I understand that. I felt that way too. As mentioned in the previous post, my marriage was unraveling because I was acting based on all the justifications, including the fact that it felt weird. This is part of the toxicity of the current zeitgeist…

My grandmother showed me the way on this. I have come to appreciate that the way she treated my grandfather, wasn't merely an antiquated way from the olden days.

No! She was actively nurturing her marriage, every single day! As soon as I started acting more like her, my marriage too, began to blossom and bloom, just like hers. And you know what - the resulting benefits, melted away the awkward feelings!

In conclusion, treating your husband as the center of your universe, is about continuously nurturing the fragile bond that is marriage. Children present challenges to navigate, to keep this flame alive. Children should not be an excuse to get lazy and allow your marriage to disintegrate.