This message is a plea for help, but also a prayer.

I’m really struggling to be patient and joyful as I deal with the overwhelming desire to be a wife and mother. I’m 20 years old and am at a Christian college studying philosophy and theology. I’m motivated to study these things purely because I’m highly interested in the topics and have a very analytical and critical personality… learning about life’s biggest questions is helping me grow more confident in my faith, and I thank God for the ways he’s slowly but surely healing me from depression and perpetual doubt. I am not career-minded in my pursuit of a college degree. Perhaps it seems a bit odd, to be a an absolute “nerd” in two major fields of study but still only dream of being a stay at home mom. I think the things I’m learning in college about critical thinking, theology, and faith will really help me develop as an individual and equip me to better serve my future children. I’m learning all the homemaking skills I can in between my studies. I’m constantly looking for ways I can increase my preparation for raising a family and develop my character. The area I fail the most in consistently is emotional stability… it’s not really something I can rationally fix about myself. I’m trying to rely on the Lord and be patient, but it is challenging, and oftentimes, after a depressive episode or a generally moody/stressful day, I fall into sin for comfort. Then, I look at myself and feel completely discouraged, thinking to myself, “Who would ever want a wife like you with your mental issues? Do you really expect a man to desire you when you’re like this? What are you going to do with yourself and your degree when you’re all alone?” I know this mindset is one filled with lies from the enemy and leaves me vulnerable to the victimhood mentality, but I fall for it so, so often. And every time, I think the desires and emotions get more intense… like a volcano building up, ready to burst. I hate that my good-intentioned desire seems to be becoming an idol. I don’t mean for it to be like that. I’m afraid I’ll do something reckless in the future because of it…

If anyone could share advice on any of these matters, I’d really appreciate it. I know that I must keep my eyes focused on the Lord in all of this, and believe me, I am TRYING to do that. But, as the scripture says, “Hope deferred makes the heart ill.” My desires are still the same, no matter how much I pray for God to renew my mind and heart. I don’t want my illness and increasingly sad/bitter heart to keep me from obtaining God’s best for me.
