What's something that everybody thinks they know, but is actually wrong? Here's a place to red pill the masses on anything and everything. Bonus points if you link to a tribe about your findings.
Posted 10mo ago in offtopic - Permalink - Locked - 1.4K Views
Created By bambinosupremo
What's something that everybody thinks they know, but is actually wrong? Here's a place to red pill the masses on anything and everything. Bonus points if you link to a tribe about your findings.
whytehorse2021 9mo ago
Sometimes you don't know what you've got until it's gone...
SwarmShawarma 10mo ago
One one hand there we have comments that are good response to described situation.
On the other hand, within 6 weeks no relative could reach her to ask simple Q: "!hey why is the wedding cancelled?"
Just saying.
Seagram7 10mo ago
Great job catching that detail. She didnt get ONE call or text asking why there isnt going to be a wedding? Reddit has become a place for aspiring authors to exercise their creative writing techniques. Either that and/or Reddit has interns that make posts for the traffic because after a while, Reddit becomes boring
First-light 10mo ago
Good decision. You will be a lot happier.
She is only ready to be in a relationship with herself.
Sorry you wasted 3 years but it could have been so much worse if you had gone through with it.
Hamza99 10mo ago
The comments on the reddit post aren't bad at all.
Half of the top comments mention her getting European dick on this trip and reaffirming he did the right thing.
Overkill_Engine 10mo ago
People who intend to be faithful don't need breaks.
Redpillpusher 10mo ago
Lmao this man has an AskTRP account
Vermillion-Rx 10mo ago
Couldn't find him in our database
Redpillpusher 10mo ago
He's a lurker with a different username
Vermillion-Rx 10mo ago
mattyanon 10mo ago
Haha...... "we're taking a break" means "I want to fuck other men and then come back to you when they won't commit".
Hilarious that this woman thinks that this will work.
Vermillion-Rx 10mo ago
I'm pretty sure she just misses being chaste and wants to find her purity again before marriage
Lone_Ranger 10mo ago
In Europe they have some of the best museums and art galleries in the world. And you're not really allowed to use your phone while in them. So I'm guessing that she must have blocked him so that her mobile wouldn't ring while she was in the museums and galleries. Right?
What possible other explanation could there be. OP is being a total asshole.