Every post is filled with feminist propaganda and everything is moderated in a way that it feeds the feminists. I can’t even enjoy memes anymore. Average user on Reddit is so far gone up their own ass that you can’t even have a conversation anymore. My everyday goal now is to not go on Reddit and it goes so much better. I think everyone should try being off Reddit. It would be like our no fap. Like it’s been 10 days since I haven’t gone to Reddit. Oh man can’t wait to get to 90 days man that’s where I will see all the super powers. ;)
NeoSpartan 2y ago
Let them fester in their retardation. More fun for us XD
[deleted] 2y ago
Ti123 2y ago
When they do it it’s confidence, when men have it, It’s narcissism
Intrepid_Place53900 2y ago
Women: empowered , confident
Men: misogynist, narcissist
Vermillion-Rx 2y ago
The complete and utter irony of all this left wing lurch is that eventually they will eat each other once the right-wingers get purged. And then once they clamp down on their own it will devolve into such a totalitarian police state that right-wing alternatives will become mainstream.
The utter irony is that by destroying any semblance of right-wing views on these platforms, they will eventually give rise to platforms that are both right wing and very popular in comparison.
The irony is that if they just equally allowed both viewpoint (via lack of censorship) left wings views would just permeate freely, but because they're going overkill on it, it will end up costing them their own viewpoints which is ironic
NotaBene 2y ago
This is exactly why I canceled that account around a year ago and only use Gab now. I also canceled all my "mainstream" accounts, like streaming/shopping/searching sites. I highly recommend this, less things tracking you around and you feel a lot more free.
Terra 2y ago
Delete account
Ti123 2y ago
Never had one
No-Stress-Cat 2y ago
I got banned a long time ago. There was a post some time ago where a mod outright said they provide a safe space only for non-whites and women as a group. Everyone else gets the ban-hammer if a non-white or a woman reports them.
Ti123 2y ago
I’m not white but it’s more of the view points. It is also just to trigger so you stay away. If your view point opposes them you are banned. Basically propaganda