I met this girl on a dating site, she is 33 I am 32. I know her for 2 months now. We went out on a couple of dates, she was really into me, after the third date we started having sex. She was really pleased. Every morning she would send mi cute pictures and write how much she likes me etc. she even wrote to me when she was going to sleep.We went out on a date to a "spider show" she absolutely loved it. She would cancel her meeting with her parents and told me that she prefers to spend this time with me and only when I cant she will go to her parents(100km away).
Recently had some rough time but it was not a big deal, after that she started withdrawing sex. Last week "Im on my peroid" and she had a breakout on her lip(it's called a cold?). This week she told me she's going to her parents and we won't meet. She also did not want to go to the Christmas stales in the city(previously was asking to go). I openly asked if everything was OK and if she was happy, she said that yes and we are grownups she would tell me if something would be wrong. Well she stopped messaging me(almost completely) no more cute pictures no more phone calls. I thought it was sus so I checked her dating profile. The previously deactivated dating account was reactivated(she asked me to delete mine after we started sleeping together). Should I just drop the bomb and break up ? I am surprised because she is a petite preschool teacher. A farmer's daughter. She seemed super into me but this is really fucking with my mind.
PHALLUS 2y ago
I'm speculating that the word "grownups" is offensive to a lot of people. If all it took for her to fuck off was the word "grownup" you have dodged a bullet. Be thankful you got your balls wet and you actually got a clean cut end, instead of psycho-bitch drama.
NeoSpartan 2y ago
If she reactivated her dating account, stopped messaging you when she previously did that all the time and also has a cold sore.... Do you really need someone else to tell you what's going on here? She would tell you if.... of course she wouldn't tell you dude...
Btw, how did you find her dating acct if you deleted yours?
manlyCupcake 2y ago
She was acting sus so I created a fake one, filtered women by her age and location and found it. The cold sore could be from way before.
[deleted] 2y ago
manlyCupcake 2y ago
A lot of people I know found their wife there. And a few years in they are making it work or it just works. So it's possible. From what I hear mouth herpes can go to genitals but only when it's inflamed or just showing itself. And I want to know you guys's insight on my particular situation not online dating in general. She seemed sweet, loving children(preschool teacher), from a traditional family but the situation surprised me and is fucking with my mind.
Also I can't edit my OP so I want to add that she doesen't message me any more(just hi how's it going) no more cute pics, no more "morning" etc. she withdrew. And as per OP not only the attention but her time and the sex. When confronted she says that it's all ok but reactivated her profile.
Vermillion-Rx 2y ago
We're telling you how women on dating apps are in general because that IS 90% probably why your specific situation is the way it it. Your specific situation is the general reality most likely
It doesn't matter if some people get married on dating apps, it's rare and unlikely. Be realistic about it, the exception doesn't prove the rule
On the herpes thing do you really want to play Russian roulette with a girl who basically sounds like she's leaving you any way? Why would you want to take the chance on her?
She doesn't sound like she will be sticking around, why on earth take the chance of getting herpes as a parting gift as she breaks things off with you?
manlyCupcake 2y ago
I got my dick sucked in the past(years) by girls who had cold breakouts on their mouths but never kissed them or had oral while they had an active infection. Mostly once in 6 months. Obviously some girls will not even mention it when you receive oral and they don't have it active. I always thought it was widespread and that you can't get it when it's inactive. I rarely saw it on girls though.
Vermillion-Rx 2y ago
I understand the statistics, and that many people have it asymptomatically. For all we know, you might already have it (from any point in your life) and will never have a breakout
My only point was, let's say you don't have it, why take the chance? She's a lost cause
chickengod 2y ago
And she's a single mother? Big red flags here
Vermillion-Rx 2y ago
I can't locate where OP mention that she's a single mother. He refers to the girl herself as a farmer's daughter
chickengod 2y ago
Oh yea I'm dumb
[deleted] 2y ago
Vermillion-Rx 2y ago
OP, listen to Fallen, her actions are way more honest than her words. Women are selfish and self-protective.
They'll go out of their way to sound like the good guy to your face so they won't get backlash, while behaving in a way that shows they're not interested because that's how they really feel.
[deleted] 2y ago
Vermillion-Rx 2y ago
Thanks man,
Exactly, guys should spend time on viable prospects, no uphill climbs or fake signs of interest and excuses. If she's making it difficult it's for a reason.
Mallardcove has a brilliant post on it called "you're not her top option"
[deleted] 2y ago
Vermillion-Rx 2y ago
No problem
manlyCupcake 2y ago
Yeah well I know redpill. "Monke doesen't let go of branche untill monke isn't holding on to the higher branche" aka she's monke branching me. She's acting withdrawn because she probably wants to make me a backup but I just need you guys to analyze this with me.
Vermillion-Rx 2y ago
We did analyze it already, you just don't like our conclusion.
She's an online dating girl (hard to commit from the start) has herpes, and is probably just looking to date multiple men.
Sure, we could micro-analyze everything a bit further, but what good would that do? Every conclusion on the micro-analysis would still stem from the broad conclusions and wouldn't be different
Even then, would accept what we're telling you?
SheLarror1234 2y ago
This. I think the commenters explained enough