Anyone looking to increase their power level would serve themselves well by not being a pussy and even lifting bro. If you want to dial down the difficulty level on getting and keeping women, you are gonna have to spend a couple hours a week at the gym and get your macros on point. I've been a chubster and I've been and am currently lean and swole af and the difference it makes is fucking stark. So here's a few bits of advice for anyone thinking of or just getting into lifting.

Push all or at least the last few sets to failure or near failure (except with heavy compounds unless you have a good spotter) Make sure also to watch some videos on proper form, you don't wanna get injured.

Use moderate rep ranges 6–12. Best for hypertrophy,(muscle growth) if you are going for raw power instead use 3-5 reps. Once you are an intermediate you should start alternating between the ranges, this is called periodization.

Get enough sleep. Muscle grows during sleep, what you do in the gym and what you consume is the fuel, the shit actually gets built while you are asleep though.

Eat at least 1g of protein per pound of bw. Or 2g per kg.

6–12 sets per week per major muscle group. Add more or less depending on your genetics.

Lift hard, attack that shit.

If anyone want to add stuff feel free. Didn't see and lifting guides posted and I'm trying to kill some time before I go out tonight, I might have forgotten to mention a few things. But these are the basics, and they work. Natty btw.