Summary : Your girlfriend wasn't the solution to your problems . The break up can be the best thing that has ever happened to you if you take action.

We all went through tough times . Boy meets girl , it goes great for a while . They are in love . They have crazy sex . BUT then something changes . The girl pulls away . The boy starts doing crazy shit like gambling or drinking . He sits in his room all alone , thinking about what he has done wrong . He is a mess . Losing weight and losing his mind over a 120 pound creature . “She is going through a tough time , things will get better “ they say .Whether it does or doesn't , this has destroyed you . Hurt you physically and emotionally . Ring a bell ?

Yes , it hurts when someone does that to you but this isn't how a healthy normal man should react to a situation like this. If a real man doesn't react like this , then what is the real problem you ask .

The real problem was that she stopped giving the validation . You felt like the greatest man alive but only when she approved . You were unhappy when you were single , searching for something to fill the void . And you thought that your angel was the last piece to the puzzle . You were needy . You liked the attention . You liked feeling like you were the only person in the world . But deep down , you always felt as if you had to portray being a perfect man , when you were just manipulating her to get validation and sex .

Let me tell you one thing . You needed that failed shitty relationship , you needed that bad ending because otherwise you would have never searched for the real causes of your problems . You would have never realized that a women’s validation should mean nothing for a man . A strong man . And after all of this , you saw what you had to do . My top 10 things to ALWAYS KEEP IN MIND are :

  1. Be emotionally stable
  2. Avoid girls with mental issues
  3. Never make her the center of your life
  4. Never twist your schedule to fit her
  5. Never be her busboy
  6. Never pay for her stuff unless you want to
  7. Never invest more in the relationship than she does
  8. Never be in scarcity - she will flirt with other people (if she is attractive )
  9. Never bow down to the shit tests .
  10. Never lose frame

She is gone . Probably fucking someone in a club . She isn't coming back . Face the truth . Shift the focus away from women for once in your life and invest in the surest thing you can : YOURSELF . Do what you love . Be productive . Be creative . Dream big . Plan big . Act bigger . If you do all of this , I guarantee you will find more direction in your life and most important of all , YOU WILL BE FUCKING HAPPY .

Also guys , I just opened a new blog with a review section for supplements . I am looking for guest bloggers to contribute to the reviews . PM me or email me from the website .