
Here at The Red Pill, we have an enduring respect for The Natural Order. We respect it because we are products of it. Far better than fighting an impossible battle against it, we explore its realities so that we can understand and fully embrace what we are. Men are nature's designated risk-takers, innovators, and pathfinders, so it falls upon each one of us to master our environments - geographical, social, and sexual.

So, what is the Natural Order? It's an amused master male sitting atop a pile of fawning bitches who are gently cupping his balls, while the unchosen, unwashed masses of unworthy males look on with scorn and envy.

It takes time, practice, and exposure in the field to develop your intuition and become just such an amused master. And what our conversations here at The Red Pill have thus far lacked is a concrete guide on how to seize the minds and hearts of bitches and make them into your property (in all but legal terms).

That's why Maestro SockPuppet is here with another helpful guide - this time on the subject of Control Game. Whether you're an out-of-practice misogynist looking to dip back into regular pussy, a total fucking RP noob, a long-time lurking coward who's too afraid of offending women, or just part of the special needs section of the class, this guide will pull back the curtain on the real politics of male social dominance, and help you become the kind of benevolent misogynist that bitches crave to be belittled by.

Read the full guide at