Don't be like me.

I found TRP in January of this year after catastrophically failing with a gorgeous slut that made every attempt to have sex with me but I felt it was "not right" or "immoral" or truthfully "I was not worthy."

I read and digested everything TRP had to offer from the sidebar to gilded posts to lurking heavily and only finding the best EC posts that resonated with me to read.

I stopped drinking and smoking for 3 months, started lifting, gaming chicks (at work, shitting where I eat but its not like I was eating that much) and felt I was powerfully alive and making changes to my life but so far all I have done is return to my drinking/smoking ways and back to the comfort of betaness.

Being beta isnt just some lifestyle or programming they have indoctrinated you into to. It is the most comfortable and easy way "they" have developed to make you complacent and happy as a normal human being.

They know what you want and need. They know what you truly are and what you spiritually need as well. They don't care to subvert that because they want you to be the best worker and taxpayer and consumer you can be. This is the pinnacle of my problems to overcome.

I don't know how to start my own business (wtf do i sell?) or find meaning in this "brave new world" we live in. I don't know how to convince myself that this time frame we live in has purpose. I don't have to kill/hunt to survive, I don't have to search for a water source to sustain my body, I dont have to lock down a girl/ltr (they hunt me) and I am not sure how to get past all this need for pussy and food and gains and find purpose in it all.

I lost my sales job going door to door selling solar PPAs (you rent the solar but get a lower electrical bill) due to missing quotas, which I was good at but of the 12 deals I closed in 3 months, I only ended up getting 4 paid for, because the other 5 didn't pass credit and the other 3 cancelled for reasons I can not change.

Even so after all this bullshit, TRP carries me on. It is the way I view life now and it is the one that shows results, consistently, if you actually do what the sidebar educates you to do. I don't think now the drinking and smoking was what was holding me back (although I understand it causes changes in the brain and ultimately doesn't solve your problems), it is my own weakness to accept responsibility and truly be the man that I am most proud of.

Do not let your addictions hold you back. I know a shit load of you drink and smoke cigarettes and weed everyday. This is not what is holding you back. It may help to stop these actions to find your sober mind, but it is not an excuse to continue doing what it is you think you want to keep doing. Reddit/TRP is the same. You came here to be some kind of student or came here to lurk and feel like your part of a change, But if you are not actively living in the moment to create that change, then you are just using TRP as something fun to do because it makes you feel rebellious or part of some great counter cause (which is exactly what your life is missing, cause/purpose/meaning).

Reddit and all its cool subs are not the answer, Drinking is not the answer, Smoking cigs/weed/meth is not the answer. These are just catalysts you can use to get out of your normal state of mind but you can not benefit by always trying to live in them.

Learn everything you can and apply theory. An alpha male always tries to push his boundaries and see where the true perimeter of his territory is.

Do your best to change. Everything in life changes. If you are not changing into something else then you are not living.