Last September, the moment I said, "I've had it." I've had it with the corporate world. I've been plugged in with the system, I said. That specific month, I decided to quit my corporate job and start building my own business. Having no salary is a very challenging experience. It is at this stage where I decided to stay low and focus on my craft, my work, etc. Now that I no longer have to follow a work schedule, and only report to myself when needed, I now have the free time to allocate my time on what really mattered: fitness, reading and practicing self-discipline. I don't go out as much as I used to because of my current financial challenge.

After a little hustle and bustle, I've been able to earn for myself without the dependence on the corporate world. Enough to go out again to meet women. I live in a small city where everyone knows each other in every upscale bar we go to. Two nights ago I went out with friends to meet women. I could see the fruits of short term MGTOW. While I was walking on the sidewalk, I noticed two women who happen to be acquaintances of mine back in college 3 years ago.

"Hello, it's been a while since I've seen you guys!" I said.

"Hey, how are you? It really is a long time." She was smiling and simultaneously she was making some sort of gesture with her hands smooching on her face.

I asked her what that gesture was.

"Your face, you look really good now!" She said.

I said thank you. And then, that's when I realized all the self improvement I have done during my short term MGTOW really did pay off, and I'm not yet finished with it, since I haven't had any stable income yet.

Another occurrence was last night, when I went to another upscale bar with a couple of friends. I haven't gone out in two months, yet I still feel that I wanted to meet more chicks.

When I opened the door to the bar and slowly going inside. This woman I knew from 8 years ago, a solid HB10 now, was sitting directly in front of the entrance, screamed my name at the top of her lungs and quickly ran towards me. She gave me a tight hug, asked me how I was, and right then and there I heard it again. I heard those three words that meant good will.

"You look good!" She said.

"You too," I said to her nonchalantly.

I wanted to fuck this girl but the logistics were kind of hazy on my end. Moreover, it's just another example that MGTOW did pay its toll on me--it taught me the proper mindset.

Shortly after my encounter with this HB10, I walked towards the other end of the bar and I saw another woman I knew back in college. I walked towards her and I asked how she was.

She said, "Hey, you look really good!"

"Thanks, you're like the fifth person to tell me that."

"It's probably your hair, your outfit, your overall demeanor," she said.


My observation:

If you are not trapped in corporate dogma, or any sort of rules, you start to form your own way, your own will. You translate it to your own spirit, your own demeanor, whatever you call it. With the right discipline, you form attraction to women. On my end, it's on the financial side that needs to bear more fruits.

Now back to work.


TL;DR: Went short term MGTOW for 2 months. Didn't go out to meet women. Focused on fitness, reading a lot books books, finding the right mindset. Met hot women this weekend, told me I was good looking compared to before. The journey begins.


EDIT: I noticed my terminology is incorrect. There's no such thing as a short term MGTOW, but to one's comprehension I'd like to believe it's synonymous to going Monk Mode. So yes, the title should have been Monk Mode, not short term MGTOW. Thank you for the clarifications.