i read a comment on another thread saying that there aren't enough rejection stories. although i still don't have success stories i think i'm on my way and would like to share a little rejection story.

Background: almost 25 y/o, first year physics degree from israel, taken the pill almost a year and a half ago, after i bombed a date with my EX from 4 years before that, which was the first and last girl i fucked.

been going to the gym and doing keto. i think it's important not to look good, but to FEEL as if you look good. and man LIFTING does it. been approaching and trying to game girls ever since starting the semester. i would say i have a slightly above average face with a nice beard which makes me manlier and i'm still kinda fat but got enough muscle to "hide" it if you will (big upper body)

starting university has been amazing in that i get out of the house at least 4 times a week and there are so many girls who share courses with me and also just random university girls, and just people so i get the chance to be super social and try to apply game.

last thing: i'm going to tell the story from the perspective of "assume attraction", so even if i was imagining the attraction, i would say it's better to have assumed it was there.

Story time: so i have this girl friend[let's call her Blonde] who's hot lookswise and chill personalitywise.

she's got some hot girlfriends and a sorta nice apartment that her mom leaves once in a while to go sleep at her boyfriends or travel with him.

anyway she invites me over cuz she wanna see me fuck. she didn't say anything about a hot girl just said "mom's outta the house come over" and she threw a party invited some mutual friends. anyway i get to her house and she and her HB9 girlfriend [let's call her HB] (i don't support rating girls because it solidifies in your mind that she's somehow above you, but just to make the point that she was hot) that's an old friend from elementary school and they just reconnected that same day

so immediately i introduce myself and blonde also tries to drunkenly help by saying i'm studying for a degree. and we went to the living room to dance and make chit chat with everyone. i noticed HB was kinda being touchy with me and i didn't try too much to interact with her but then she gave me a look which i assumed was "fuck me eyes".

right then i took HB to blonde mom's bedroom, i just told her "hey did you see blonde mom's bathtub??" and sort of led her there by the small of her back. the bedroom has a big bed, bath tub and balcony window (i don't know how you call a big window). we get there and i close the door and try to open the balcony window. she says "here let me" opens the window. i say "i knew i could count on you"

HB: count on me for what?

me: that you'd know how to open (in my language i'd say it "came out wrong" but i loved that i didn't care saying it)

HB: so what did you bring me here for?

me: so you could see the bathtub, aaaaaand (i sorta started freezing at this point cuz i hadn't made a move on a girl in years) another thing..

HB: which is?

me: i gotta come closer for it (she's sitting on the edge of the bath-tub)

so i think i sorta rushed towards her and tried to pull the trigger.

she put the brakes and started to say things like "i don't even know you i mean what's your name??"

Me: fishinatot (calmly)

her: and what's my name?

me: actual name of HB

HB: you get my point? we don't know each other almost at all!

at this point i thought maybe i was being kinda rapy by standing on her way to the door and frightening her so i sat back where i wouldn't block her and said "btw you can leave if you want"

HB: no it's not like that we just don't know each other so let's talk

took that as a sign she wants to get comfortable with me.

so we talked and she told me she had the impression that i was an innocent kinda nerdy guy and that i surprised the hell out of her by showing i got the balls to try and kiss her. she actually asked me if i was on coke or something cuz of my guts AND i had huge pupils (I'm clean 1.5 months from vices - alcohol, weed, carbs, sugar, ), i tell her "maybe it's because i'm attracted to you" and i go to the mirror saying "wow i gotta see it" i said it calmly! not trying to validate her, but genuinely trying to theorize why my pupils were so big.

when she found out i also like rock music like her (she likes blues and rock from what i understood) she tried to "cold read" me i guess? trying to figure me out

she came to the conclusion that in contrast with her first impression that i'm a nerdy serious student kinda guy, she now thinks i'm sensitive and (WATCH THE HAMSTER: ) she now "understands how come we connected so intensely even though we just met" (referring to the period before i took her to the bedroom)

so we walk toward the bedroom door and we talk a little bit and i say to her (it's my main line - i try to be the cool guy that girls call for sex so i usually try to give them my number, inspired by brent smith look him up on youtube) "hey if you want you can shoot me a text"

and she says "yeah take down my number" so i said "uh no let's exchange numbers" and she's like "yea write down my number and call me so i have your number" so i just saved her number and made a call but it didn't connect at the time.

then i tried to make another move on her before we exit the bedroom, rejected again, i acted cool and while we got out of there i tell her "im not the type of guy to bug you on text so.." she says "great, i hate it when guys do that" and i let her have her space and didn't bug her too much. i sat on a recliner and she came and asked if "im ok" so i calmly responded "yeah why wouldn't i be" and after a while i continued on dancing and socialising

even when she approached when i was with 2 other friends i didn't show too much excitement (and certainly throughout the story not TOO much validation.)

after a while i got tired and wanted to drive home with another girl friend who was there.

so i come up to HB to say goodbye and i told her "don't worry about it, some other time" (i wanna say my "frame" was - "hey you missed out on this because of your anti-slut defenses but you still got a shot" ), hug and kiss on the cheek

so she says "are you leaving?? with whom??" so i told her other girl's name.

and she walks me to the door and gives me another hug so i say "hey we already hugged and kissed"

she: "is it not allowed to hug again?"

me: i'd say it's not socially acceptable but fine by me

then i left.

i went home feeling like a champ because i made a move on a girl who i think was REALLY hot (but not out of my league because there's no such thing guys!!!!) and managed to stay cool. (after years of not making a move on girls)

anyway because the call didn't connect she still doesn't have my number. this just happened about 1 day ago and i thought of just 2 days after that sending a text "it's fishinatot have a productive week"

failure is GOOD guys. also fear shows you the way and man when i went for the kiss the first time i was scared.

constructive criticism both on game and on writing a post welcome