It can be difficult, in times of crisis, to keep a cool head. That is the way the mind works, our brain pumps out emotions to react to situations that befall us. The key to frame, the cornerstone of TRP's ethos, is to keep calm and carry on. Here our some sayings and meditations I like to repeat to myself when things get a little rough.

  1. Life would be a lot easier if everyone won. Everyone would be successful, no one would be feel pain. But that is not how life is, some people have to lose and some people have to win.

  2. Do not curse your circumstances, like a fool or a defeatist. You can change where you are, all it requires is effort and perseverance.

  3. Do all tasks with a joy in your heart. Your enemies will see this and curse you gravely.

  4. Joy is not something that takes time to manifest. Remind yourself that it is a miracle you are here today, and live as if you may draw your last breath at any moment.

  5. Time doesn't give up just because you do. The world will keep going, you're failure irrelevant in the cosmos.

  6. Why should I complain, like those who have no hope? I have hope, and I have purpose.

  7. Why shouldn't I go talk to that girl? Even if bad comes of it, the possibility of good or even a neutral outcome far outweigh the bad.

  8. Keep working. Never stop, lest time stop you.

  9. Why should you let whisperings affect you? Even if they mock you, at the end of the day they still have to go home to themselves, and see their own flaws.

  10. Be kind to people. Not in a meandering, desperate way, like those who seek validation, but because your life is so great you want to spread your blessings to others around you.

  11. Words only affect you if you let them. So don't let them.

  12. Never chase women.

  13. Never follow a crowd, as a charlatan is probably leading them forward.

  14. Make friends with leaders, but don't follow them. Learn from them and lead yourself.

  15. Be content in the fact that you do not matter.