Background: I'm married, wife likely cheated five years ago, found out and put her in the penalty box. The penalty box is a place where no overt communication has taken place. I just do what I want. When I want. And wifey has never been happier. Why is she happy?

I'm now fucking ripped and jacked at same time. I walk into rooms and no 40 yr old looks anything like me

I got career on fast track

I take care of business. That includes wife's emotions, yea..out of fear of losing my miracle willing to wait this one out a bit. I keep my emotions in check, I need nothing from her or any bitch now. I have you guys and a few close friends for that.

My kids feel safe. They know that finally there is an adult in the home making sure they cross the finish line.


I have a smokeshow plate who I've written about before. I've learned more about TRP from her then anyplace else. She has a high earning husband who pukes emotions and neediness. The guy is ten years older then her and skinnyfat. I just have to be "rugged" and "indifferent" and she buys me presents and books hotels so I can knock her head into the wall while telling her she is my personal slut. Her eyes roll back, she scratches my back and begs me to come in her.

The more drama and push,pull I throw, the harder she wants to please me. If i wasn't game aware I'd let this go to my head but we here know the truth: Any dickhead could have her. I'm not so fucking great.

Anyway, holidays are here, everyone busy, and she cancelled our last two meetings. Didn't even offer an alternative. I put her on ice for a week to get her attention.

She noticed and reminded me it's her son's birthday party and my kid was invited to come. She asked if I could keep her company while the kids played and her hard-working beta arrived late. Told her no fucking way, I had plans to drink and would take advantage of the "drop off" situation and be back at party's end.

I asked a different kids mom whose kid was also on the local soccer team if she was attending. She said yes and that she was considering leaving to check out some sales at a store nearby for holiday shopping

"That's lame. Let's drink and catch up, been too long"

"Ok! Where? What time? How are you getting home.....etc etc"

"Drop off at 4, then we go out. Leave to me gorgeous"


Went exactly as planned. Plate went nuts and texted me throughout the kids party, even made jokes about the other mommy drunk and crashing car on way home. She asked what we did and all I said was "I don't kiss and tell"

Lo and behold, plate found two nights this week where she can meet. Wife also deeply curious why I didn't stay at party. And the lady I "used" for drinks? She keeps texting me to offer free passes at her very high end gym. I'm currently like Rocky ....pushups, burpees, dumbbells, Pull ups, cables, and whatever machines are in my shit gym. It works, I know what to do so high end gyms are treats not my main staple.

Anyway, back to "Jessica"...

I don't know if she is more useful to me as a dread provider or a warm hole. In the end, it doesn't matter.....there are millions of bitches and none are worth shit. All of them need me.

Actually, that's not true. Not ME. A guy LIKE me.

If that doesn't make sense then read the sidebar