Lately I’ve been hanging out with my best friends younger sister, HB10 19YO . Ever since swallowing the TRP I’ve began to see things from a different lens and it’s improved and continues to improve my life drastically.

No, I’m not trying to hook up with her, even though there’s been plenty of kino & opportunity to escalate when we hang out, she’s out of bounds in respect to my friendship and I am no longer driven by a scarcity mindset as TRP has helped me develop other options so I always control myself not to take it any further. I use her more as a pre-selection tool when I go out.

Some of the TRP principles I’ve observed

  1. Beta orbiter: this girl, has a bunch of beta orbiters, however the worst case is John. This guy drove from his house at 2 AM to come and see her after she left the club so she could bitch to him about her ex that she ran into at the club when she was out with me, the same ex that she wanted to fuck that same night but he just did not want her that night because she was crazy, now this poor guy, who’s deeply in love with her probably has to listen to her bitch about her Chad ex. I asked her if she would ever fuck John and her response “ never in my life” . I honestly felt bad for this kid, I wish there was a way to introduce him to TRP since I was once in his position many years back and it fucking sucks, hopefully he will wake up soon.

  2. Compliments: We went out one night, she was looking hot. I learned from TRP never to give compliments but let my actions, hands and eyes do the talking., The entire night she would try and push compliments from me but I held my entire frame and would not give any validation, this just increased the Kino. Then enters one of my very blue pill friends, what’s sad is that this is the guy that introduced me to TRP but for some reason he’s still stuck in the rejection phase for too long. He comes in and right away washes her with compliments “ you’re looking sexy tonight “ “ wow yeah you look really good “... she barely even listened or acknowledged him. I had to tell her “ did you hear what *Blue said ?” To which she replied “ Oh.. ya thanks”. Once again, compliments from blue pill males that female are not attracted to is like getting an offer from a job you are way too qualified for, it’s like an insult.

  3. Scarcity : a lot of guys have a scarcity mindset, she would tell me about the guys that take her out on nice dates, tickets to expensive sports games , obviously all expecting sex in return. What’s hilarious is that she has not fucked any of them but tells me she just dangles the carrot. One guy this has been going on for over 3 months, he takes her to expensive games, movies, dinners with the hope that one day she just MIGHT fuck him. I asked her why these guys would simply just continue on with this instead of moving on and In her words “ they don’t want to lose out at the chance of fucking me “ . Once again, I have been in these guys position before.

  4. White Knight : As she tried to shit talk her ex to me when we were at a club, I wouldn’t listen or entertain it. I would just laugh and keep relaxing and drinking. She would ask me what I think and my response would either be “ I don’t know, that’s a you problem, not me” or just simply “ I have nothing against the guy, let him do his thing” . This is a big shift, back in blue pill days I would have added on and talked shit about a previous or other guy in an effort to make myself seem better, it was pathetic