If you are not getting poon, do not post on this sub.

I do not care if you think you have a serious grasp of TRP theory, or if you have a nice FR you want to share, or a story about a woman being evil you need to vent on. If you are not anywhere close to where you wanna be, you should be lifting, reading, opening girls, and shutting up.

When you post on this sub, you take the centre stage of a classroom made up of 200,000+ students who in their great majority can't tell (yet) the difference between accurate theory and wishful thinking, between effective practical content and wishful thinking. How can you be sure that what you say to that crowd about female nature and sexual strategies is accurate theory or effective practical tips?

You probably remember being deluded before.

During your blue pill period, you were dead sure women wanted a nice guy. People told you so! Turned out it didn't work.

During your PUA phase, you were dead sure that using canned material would get you long-term happiness. People told you so! Turned out it didn't work.

Now "red pill aware", you are dead sure that it works. People are telling you so! How can you be sure this time it works??

The only proof possible that "red pill" works is when you get laid, get laid more than before, are spinning plates, or turned around your dead bedroom relationship into a happy, sexual one. Sex is the only proof you're finally on the right track.

Until you have this proof, you can doubt whether your current opinion on what to do is actually valid.

Until you have this proof, any time you write a post on this sub, you run the risk of giving wrong advice that gets upvoted simply because what you stated just fits the pre-existing opinion of your equally-clueless audience, resulting in a fantastic display of a blind man leading the blind. And as the blind leader, the cheers of your blind fellows will make you gleefully believe you're on the right path when you're actually straying away from it further and further.

Until you have this proof, any post of yours is possibly another step in the direction of denaturing this sub towards one that gives inaccurate theory and inefficient practical advice.

Leave the classroom stage to the wise teacher. Just sit, listen, take notes and do your homework. Do not fucking speak until you have the credentials of a teacher, which in our case, is that you effectively turned your life around.

And if you're so weak-minded that you're one of those who "decided" to not deal with women anymore because they're so bad (newsflash: you didn't decide anything, it's a buffer to avoid rejection), then you are in the situation of never being able to prove TRP "works". You should therefore refrain from giving your opinion here, so as not to mislead all your brothers who have not given up on their sexual strategy yet.

The people who "make it" here are those who know that they know nothing yet. They lurk, learn, apply, research old posts. They go to the gym and they approach. They read Manosphere blogs, recommended book and PUA material. They know that the sidebar and the Rational Male blogs are the purest source of TRP knowledge so they read them several times. They test theories by reflecting on their experience and test practical tips on the field. When they have specific questions, they search the sub for an answer, or post on asktrp, or write their question in a comment, or they PM an EC whose opinion they value. And if they are not where they want to be yet, they sure as hell don't write their unproven opinion in a post on the main sub. Do you want to make it? Or do you just want some fake internet points?