DISCLAIMER: I'm not the best writer around and never have been, so the formatting may be shit.

Hello, I'm a 23 yr old Army Veteran who about a year and a half ago briefly and unknowingly ended up being a "Chad" as I think you guys put it.

I was 22. Active duty, and flying through women left and right. I was perfectly content to be single, but then I met her. 5'4" 110 lbs, blonde and a C-cup. My kryptonite. We started talking, texting etc. I told her all my deepest darkest secrets, I showed her my inner demons.

After putting her through "The Gauntlet" as I called it she told me "I'd never date you." To which I honestly replied "I couldn't care less." 10 minutes later she told me she wanted to be my girlfriend.

Things were great, we dated, we fucked (this girl let me do ANYTHING to her) we had fun it was amazing. About 6 months in she told me "Hey work is picking up and we may see each other less for a few weeks." I was coming up on my unit's 2 week Field Training Exercise so I was in the same boat.

After my field training exercise I figured I'd stop by her house and surprise her for some "grown up things." Who answers the door... Her husband... Who had been away on business... For 6 months... I saw pictures that had never been up before. Pictures of them together, pictures of their wedding... She wasn't home at the time.

I could've played it off as a wrong house, but I couldn't do that to the guy. He deserved to know. I explained to him that I had no idea she was married. I showed him texts, I showed him the pictures she'd sent me, I showed him her dating website profile. I told him everything. I honestly thought I was going to get punched.

He was angry at first, but after a few minutes of just taking it in. He said "I should've seen this coming. Deep down I'm angry at you, but I know it's not your fault. And you're a better man than me for telling me all this. Thank you, but please leave."

I left. 2 hours later I get a text from the girl. "Why did you come to my house? Why didn't you text me first? My husband's gonna kill me!"

My response? "Not my problem."

They got divorced and her ex-husband and I keep in touch. He has since given up on women alltogether.

TL;DR I unknowingly dated and fucked a married woman for 6 months while her husband was on business. I felt guilty and told him everything. He's now given up on women.