Guys, we live in a world that DOES NOT want to hear about The Red Pill.

I just lost a friend of 22 years this morning. After a disagreement, he left my house today and told me to never speak to him again.

I've done other things wrong, and so has he, but the short story is that I talked about RP theory with him and it tainted how he viewed me. The resentment he feels towards me has only grown, every time I open my big mouth.

He sees my success with women as wrong and what I do as manipulative and evil. He doesn't trust me and thinks he's another person I manipulate and use.

If I had never stopped to answer the "How are you able to just get girls like that" questions with RP concepts, I bet we'd still be friends.

I'm saddened and hurt by his abrupt departure, though it shows how much he valued our friendship.

Moral? Do not share your RP beliefs with anyone. You never know who is going to, in their misunderstanding, be offended, label you as manipulative and sexist and black list you from their life. For me it was a childhood friend, for you it may be a career or a family member.