I found an old comment of u/iceray42 which some of you might enjoy.

Fun story time!

I'd been seeing this girl for a few weeks, and it wasn't exactly fireworks, but we got on all right, and it was the first time I'd actually tried dating someone after breaking up with my ex-fiancee, so I wasn't looking for a home run. She'd told me she was pagan at the outset and I assured her I didn't mind, as long as she didn't try to force it down my throat. For her part, she was true to her word, but it should've been a red flag from the word go. So anyway: She tells me she's leaving town for the weekend to go to a pagan convention (or gathering or somesuch) a few towns over for the weekend and she was excited about it. For my part, I wanted to try to be supportive and non judgmental about her beliefs, so I offered to accompany her, but she said she'd be fine and would call me when she got home.

So I'm at home, playing internet video games in my underwear Sunday afternoon when I get a call from her (a day early) and she's panicked and sobbing on the other end, and it's only after much bleating and confusion that she's able to get out that she needs to see me ASAP. So I go full hero-boyfriend mode, immediately drop what I'm doing (I even put on pants!) and race over to her place thinking something awful has happened.

I burst through her door rapid-firing questions like "What's wrong?" "What happened?" "Who did this to you?" and "How can I help?" and she eventually tells me that she ran into an ex-boyfriend (also pagan) while at the convention, and that they'd had sex. I felt my gut drop out. Rape. One of my closest friends had been raped a couple years prior and it was a nightmare I had no desire to witness again.

"So you were raped?"


"But you had sex with him?"


"<Hername> I know it can be scary to admit, but I'm not going to think less of you if you were raped. You can tell me."

"Well, I WANTED to have sex with him."

Cue palpable confusion pause. I had to not only try to parse this new bit of information, but also shut down the Rape Reactions going on.

"You...wanted to have sex with him?"

"See it's like this. I like you a lot and I don't want to hurt you, but you have to understand he POSSESSED me."

"He...he what?"

"He has a strong dark magic aura that I succumb to whenever he's around. He makes me not myself."

I'm pretty hopelessly lost at this point. I've tried to respect her beliefs up to this point but this is a bit of a tough pill for me to swallow. I tried to gain solid footing one last time.

"Possession sounds like it was against your will. If that's the case, it was rape, and we should go to the police department."

"No no. It wasn't rape. It's just that the dark magic clouds my mind with desires."

"...So, basically, you're openly admitting to me that you slept with another guy, and you're trying to rationalize it with something you know I don't believe in."

At this point she blew up on me. She was furious that I wasn't more sympathetic to her dark magic plight, and couldn't believe I could be so callous and selfish. After about ten minutes of cyclical yelling. I just turned to leave and told her to have a nice life. I'm not normally this witty, so you'll pardon me for including my snarky exit one liner. As I opened the door she screamed at me

"What, you don't even LIKE ME anymore?! Just ALL OF THE SUDDEN?!"

Calmly, I turned around, gave her a sarcastic grin and made jazz hands and said

"It's like magic." and then left.