A shorter post for everyone today. I wanted to share an article with you about the daily life of a successful legal worker. It sheds a lot of light on how desperate, rich men spend fortunes on prostitutes in hopes of getting something in return (typically more than just sex).

ARTICLE LINK: https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/money-diary-legal-sex-worker-nevada-salary

“I meet with my guest, who is very excited about losing their virginity! We discuss taking photos together throughout our date, so they have a special memory of their first time to look back on fondly. Book all-day experience for $15,000. Amount earned: $7,500 -> {TRP NOTE: workers take home 50%} (This booking brought me up to $1 million for the year.)”

“I'm meeting with a regular guest, who I see each month. He surprises me with flowers, much to my delight! I book a basic experience for $2,500.

“Book an overnight experience for $22,500. The client pays for the evening activities and for food. We have an incredible evening together!”

While I’m not saying don’t ever get involved with a prostitute, I’m reminding everyone to what lengths men will go to feel a connection with a woman. Especially if they lack game and the understanding of women.

You could say that some of these guys are just rich dudes piping down chicks for fun. But rich guys that have their shit together don't take 'special photos of their first time' or buy flowers for a mere sex worker. These clients (read: desperate men) don't truly understand that these girls are being PAID to act sweet and fuck good for a living. They'll say anything to get $$$.

As always: Don’t EVER be this guy. Take women off the pedestal. Understand women. Have game.
