My roommate has these small parties late at night that I don’t participate in, because they’re always at 2AM and on weekdays, but last night I got out of the shower and this really hot girl needed to use the bathroom, then she wouldn’t stop talking to me, came in my room where I was hanging out alone reading, getting ready for bed, she was WAY more confident than me, and I don’t think I’m THAT good looking, but definitely the most attractive guy there at the time, so maybe she just wanted to fuck. She kept moving closer to me and giving me shit tests that I failed every single time lol. She moved real close and leaned on me and said “you’re getting red” (which I was) and my response was “you’re looking pretty uhhh.. normal colored”

She kept wanting me to come out of my room and drink with them but I had class in the morning so eventually I migrated back to my room to sleep, didn’t want to fuck her because I’m in an LTR i quite enjoy.

But she still put her number in my phone, emphasized that she lived really close by, and told me to text her. This part really surprised me. I thought she was on me because I was just her best option there as far as physical looks, I was a nervous wreck whenever she would come on to me, and failed her shit tests over and over again, but she still wants to meet me again, which is strange

She’s actually a legit 9, I’ve never had something like this happen, at least not since high school, overall I think I learned a lot from it, and it’s another small step towards building a stronger frame. Sort of like a forced exposure therapy. Anyway just wanted to share