
I've already made a post about frame, but one thing I noticed is: the more I strengthen my frame, the crazier things I can get away with.


I will cite several examples of the importance of frame in different avenues of life.

Example 1

1) I hold frame with my girl; I met her 4 months ago (ya I know not long, not my girl, my turn, etc. don't go full autist she's a very submissive girl who does a lot for me-don't mean "my girl" literally) and she was a spoiled brat who only did things for herself. Within 1 month, I got her to meal prep for me. After 2 months, I got her to do my laundry, fold clothes, bring me food, have great sex, even pay for dates. How did I do this? It's because I started the interaction with the mindset of "this is expected and you will do these things for me; you will ENJOY helping me out and providing value outside of sex", and she does.

Example 2

2) Work. This one is crazy. I came in with the frame of "I want to work for this company, I will do great work, but I will do it on my terms." I've done things that would probably get people fired 10x over, yet the managers and senior executives love me and enjoy working with me. I got our new class (I am among the most recent hires in our group with a few others) more remote work days. I rarely work more than 40 hours a week.

Also, 2-3 months ago, I WENT OFF and blew up at one of my supervisors, because she was being a bitch (Some will say this was losing frame, but it paid off massive dividends). I have multiple supervisors; one of them is as "NiceGuy" and BP as you can get, the one above him is a girl. She completely shits on him, overworks him, etc. She tried doing the same to me, and I basically told her I don't give a shit what you say or think of me. She hated my guts and there was friction on the team for 2 months. I didn't care, because I'm not going to sacrifice my life/soul for a company. 2 months later, she respects me, we get along, crack jokes together, and have fun at work.

Example 3

3) With old BP friends. I rarely talk to these friends, but we were all in the same circle of smoking weed, watching shows, playing video games, doing wack shit that doesn't get you anywhere in life. When I talked to them recently, they try to shove me back in the "box" of being the same SMV as them (aka BP, still the loser guy). Boy, did that backfire-I just started distancing myself more and more from them; whenever I do talk to them now, we get along and (as much as I don't wanna say this shit): they recognize me as the "alpha". Even though their SMV has stagnated/declined and mine has skyrocketed, I still love them, because they're my childhood friends.

Example 4-The most important one

4) Holding frame with yourself. When you start your journey as a BP beta orbiter, video game playing, hentai fapping, binge media watching, incel guy and transform yourself into a high SMV guy with solid hobbies, a good social circle, hot girls, and success YOU will shit test YOURSELF. What do I mean by this? You will feel bouts of Imposter Syndrome. When you go from loser to successful, voices will occasionally creep into your head asking "do I really deserve this?" "Am I really that guy, or am I faking it?" It's in these moments that you must hold frame more than any other moment. If you don't have the mindset of a high SMV, alpha, successful guy, then you will NEVER actually become one. "Fake it till you make it" isn't really faking it. Often times you make the physical transformation through action (lifting, reading, good hobbies, gaming), but the change in mindset lags behind. Once the change in mindset occurs, that voice of self doubt will pop up less and less frequently, until one day you wake up, and you are that guy.