I’ve known her since 6th grade, we dated when we were 15 for three years, it got messy after the breakup and she cut me out of her life completely for a year not wanting any part of me, year later we run into each other on Valentine’s Day it went well but got this weird intuition feeling of why she would want to come back? For which I started to distance myself avoiding her, texting every once in a while and then this past weekend around 8 pm she asks to hang for which I was contemplating because she doesn’t fully appreciate me (I wanted her to miss me) but stupid me went for it thinking she actually wanted to see me, immediately after hanging out found out her new friends are mad at her including her new FWB’s as it seems...making me realize she’s just using me as an emotional tampon for tonight which really killed me, I was just sitting there emotionless feeling crappy that’s all she thought of me as...lastnight she posted herself on a date with her new SO I guess and I finally had enough, I’ve never cut her out of my life before it’s always been her, but I’m done. We’re both 20

UPDATE: Thank you everyone for the support, just wanted to let everyone know, so far it’s going great really don’t know why I didn’t do this a while ago, trying to hit up the local coffee shops in the mornings to try and meet someone new!