Since it's snowing outside I decided to write a short piece on the types of media you should avoid. I believe we should always strive to be objective and aware and all times, getting pussy is only a small part of life, knowledge is everlasting.

1.Porn One of the most addictive things you can consume, porn is the main thing incels and young men lacking sex turn to whenever they are feeling lonely, they may even develop a weird desire for the female pornstar to have intercourse with bigger penises in order for her to gain more pleasure. Cuckold fetishes and popular sites like BLACKED are constantly being promoted, these sites are often used to mock white males and other races, further fueling the anger of young white men, you have to wonder who is really pulling the strings behind the scenes.

2.News/Social Media News Fake News is certainly a popular phrase and it certainly applies to various news outlets. A red pill man is always aware of what's happening around the world, unfortunately misinformation is constantly being spread across America. Whether it'd be The Syrian Crisis, Russian Intervention, or The Two Cheeseburgers that Donald Trump eats every night. Unfortunately even The_Donald lost is objectivity a long time ago, so try to get your news on reliable sites if you can find them, avoid the brainwashing at all costs.

3.TV/YouTube The bread and circus of the modern era, if you have any kids please take a look at what they are watching.Transgender is a term that is being constantly pushed around the world. I cringe everytime I see a single mother putting make up on her little boy, and apparently turning your little boy's penis into a vagina is acceptable now. Unfortunately a lot of these procedures don't go so well.

4.Anime Anime is certainly very popular around the world. Japanese men are becoming more perverted nowadays, the harems, lolis and the big bouncy tits is a sure fine way to keep them from committing suicide. I realized that the one thing that all anime watchers usually lack is a feminine presence. That's anime's main selling point, a cute little anime girl jumping around, making cute faces and acting innocent is sure a joy to watch, makes you wish they were real so you could take them out for ice cream while she hugs you and clumsily asks you to buy her stuff. I kinda want to buy a Megumin pillow now.

  1. Movies

After the crapfest that was Star Wars The Last Jedi, I realized just how much damage control a corporation like Disney can afford. You can't even trust Rotten Tomatoes anymore, and apparently if you hated the movie you are nothing but a misogynist that can't handle female protagonists. The only good movie that I enjoyed this year, was Blade Runner 2049, since it reminded me of the constant bashing of males in today's society, probably the only movie I would recommend to buy right now.

Anyway this is all I have for now since I dislike writing long pieces, I just wanted to make a short list and I sure hope you guys become more aware of the constant propaganda. I don't know what their objective is, but even a blind man can see that there is an agenda to push and we should all protect ourselves if we want to keep masculinity alive.