I've heard google task is good but I feel like it doesn't give me all of the flexibility and features that I need. Calender feels way too cluttered for so much information. I like to be detailed, and I like to plan way into the future. Planners only work for a year, plus there's having to rewrite everything if the slightest thing changes. I've seen people use google docs which would allow me the space I need to write up notes for myself for any day in the future, but it can get cluttered, plus I have a bunch of google docs that are for a specific purpose. I thought about having a separate google account just for dates but logging out and logging in seems like so much hassle. I use google keep a lot too, which mine is flooded so easy for things to get lost in there, I do work on cleaning it out a lot but still, I have notes for myself for days, lol. I'm thinking about checking out Notion