Hello, if there is a specific subreddit for this or posts that have already been made, please link me to them as I'd like to read all I can on what advice others have. Thanks!

I recently was told I look like the UFC fighter Joanna Jędrzejczyk, which sucks as the celebrities I'm told I look like are always masculine looking. I'd like advice on how to dress up a muscular yet petite body size.

The problem is I am 5'0 with small hands, very little feet and a small bone structure which all together can sound very feminine. Alas, I actually look very manly since I am naturally lean with abs and muscular thighs, super small hips and very strong, masculine facial features like a strong and wide jawline. I tend to attract either bodybuilder men who want a bodybuilder girlfriend, or men who are submissive and assume I will be dominant in bed because of how I look.

Any advice on how to dress, or good celebrity examples of women who cover up their masculinity well?

I should say I do all the basics- good hair, make up, feminine colors and I wear dresses whenever I can.