I can’t express how glad I am that someone put in the work to create these spaces for women! You guys are amazing.

I’m 26 and very newly married to my (27) beta husband. Trp clicked right away when I found mrp and even though the locker room talk can be a lot, I got straight away what they were saying and how I’ve been trying to articulate what’s been going on in my relationship.

My story:

So me and my husband have been married for a year and because we never had sex before marriage (upholding my socialized values so please don’t call me stupid , I know what I did wrong) now it seems to be the deal breaker for ME. The roles have changed and I am now the gatekeeper of commitment and he’s offering me an open marriage so we can stay in this platonic marriage (which makes no sense to me because I can get a man to love me and want to have sex with me and provide for me).

He has had a lot of trauma from an unavailable mother and I’m sure other sexual trauma that he wouldn’t fully open about . He doesn’t really like to talk about things that are intimate. He has a fear of I intimacy I think. So no talk about why he thinks it’s okay to not give me sex in the marriage and no coming up with a plan. He wants us to just be happy and stay together and not have conflict on things like this.

I am a very focused and hard working woman so I have been doing the work in the relationship to try to find the right fix that accommodates for my needs while being the best wife to him. He desires me no more than a friend at this point because he told me jerking off and having sex yield the same results for him, one is just more taxing than the other so he would rather not bother me about it. He also doesn’t want to hear me complain our lack of sex. At this point I’m ready to leave but he’s been hurt so many times in life I hate to be another added tally.

He loves me and has committed to me for a long time before I was even anything worth committing to. I am curious about what other women have done or would do.

Essentially he is everything I want in a committed man but it is just a platonic thing and I’m starting to crave wanting more in my life and I’m so used to working for what I need I feel like a wall is in front of me…I can only leave.