Hello, ladies :) I apologize in advance, as this will probably be a lengthy post. I am looking for more female companionship with like minded women. However, I never feel like I quite fit in with most women and I've felt that way for my whole life. I know a lot of it stems from the strained relationship I have with my mother and the other women in my family. I am trying to work on it. Regardless of that, I always seem to get along best with men. I work in a male dominated field, I am an autobody technician and own my own shop with my husband. He is the most wonderful human being and he gives me so much love and support, I am very thankful for him. I feel like I have really missed out on having female friends though, it just feels like I'm not really able to connect with them. While I am new to this sub, I have been lurking for awhile, I'm not 100% sure if I fit in here either, but yall seem very friendly and supportive of different lifestyles. I am very "masculine" in my personality I think, I have a strong body and an independent nature. I like to fix things, I enjoy playing guitar and I'm very good at it(not really manly though I guess, though I've met very few female guitarists). I just feel like I put out a butch lesbian vibe? I find a lot of women treat me kinda like they treat men, as far as like body language goes and the way they talk to me, like when they have a crush on a guy. I am bisexual, so I can't say I hate it lol. I'm not like this on purpose, I actually would love to be more feminine. When I try to act more "girlie" I kinda feel fake and I really don't like that feeling. My outward appearance is fairly feminine, I'm curvy and have very long curly blonde hair. I take good care of my skin and hair. I eat a healthy, balanced diet (something I really had to teach myself! I did not come from a healthy habits family) and exercise when my schedule permits it. I wish I could wear make up more frequently but that is rather challenging given where I work, it's too hot and sweaty and it makes my face break out. When I'm not at work (sadly not often at the moment) I like to wear dresses and heels, and do pretty makeup. I always wear perfume, I love to smell nice.

Anyways, I really don't know the aim of my post, I just wanna know, is there anyone here that struggles with this? Is there anything I can do to feel more comfortable in my own skin and in my own head? I would love to feel more feminine without feeling like I'm being a fraud.