So I've been following this sub, TRP and some feminist subs for a while- I don't consider myself a feminist (I have a laundry list of all my issues with the movement, it would take forever to get into) but I find it interesting to read different perspectives. I've noticed one major thing that I find perplexing.

If you're on TRP and you say a woman cheated on you or did something terrible, it will be attributed to the fact that she's a woman, not the fact that she's a bad person. If you say "She's just one woman, there are plenty of nice women out there" you're given trouble for uttering the unforgivable "NAWALT". If you're a woman saying it, this somehow gets attributed to your "solipsism". If a woman cheats, it could be attributed to the man not being "alpha" enough or becoming too "beta" or whatever- not the fact that the woman just wasn't a good girlfriend/wife. However, if you're a woman complaining about how a man treated you (cheating ex, etc) it's partially attributed to you somehow causing it (consistent with the man's situation) but interestingly, you're told not to generalize all men by the actions of one.

Similarly, on a feminist blog, if you talk about a man who was awful to you, and a man comes in and says "Well not all men are like that, there are plenty of good men too!" he gets accused of being narcissistic, making it all about himself, etc etc. People will basically say all men cheat/abuse/rape, etc. Meanwhile, if a feminist sees anyone make a generalization about women she'll be the first to say they're not all like that.

So TL;DR, TRP = all women are like that, but not all men are like that. Feminism = all men are like that, but not all women are like that.

I always thought that men and women are generally all "the same" in the sense that men GENERALLY are one way, women GENERALLY are another way- neither is better or worse, just different and complementary. But of course, there are variations. There is a reason why you shouldn't attribute cheating/abuse to an entire gender just because you've experienced it from one person. Some people are just kinder and more mature or considerate than others. Regardless of gender.

So why is it that if a man gets cheated on, you're a solipsistic moron if you say "not all women are like that" but that response is pretty much the norm if a woman is cheated on by a man? (And then of course, you'll see the reverse situation on Tumblr)

This isn't concern trolling by the way- I'm a huge fan of this sub but this is just something I've been wondering for a while. I understand I may just be extrapolating extremism from a few posts I've seen...but I've seen this repeated MANY times both within TRP and feminist blogs and I find it really odd.