Hi everyone!

I feel like I have a serious character flaw that has followed me my entire life and I desperately want to fix it.

The character flaw is that I am a bottomless pit of neediness.

As a child, I didn’t get a lot of attention from my parents and I think that is where this desperate need comes from.

Not like in a clingy way (like: “Text me more!!”) but in a very selfish way (“I need this and I want this and Can we do this? and Can we go here on this vacation?”).

I live in princess world bubble and expect everyone around me to serve me and meet my needs.

What happens is I am very grateful when someone does something for me and then, WITHOUT EVEN REALIZING IT BECAUSE I AM SO SELF-ABSORBED, I continue to demand more and expect more until someone says something and checks me and reigns me back.

The person who feels the brunt of this is my husband.

He is so kind and generous and normally doesn’t say anything but eventually I become a monster and he has to check me.

We are newly-weds so right now, it is easy to apologize and makeup and try to be better.

However, I feel like a character trait like this is an utter recipe for disaster in a marriage, long-term.

How can I learn to be less selfish?

Looking for specific advice and tips to break this terrible habit.

Please be as harsh as you need to, I know it's a big problem.