I've been together with my boyfriend (21M) for about 8 months and counting (LDR), though the effects of his decision is still prevalent.

How we met wasn't really what I would call ideal, he was in a relationship when we met. He essentially broke up with her (it was a rough period) and got together with me. Well we got into the conversation of their (ex and boyfriend) confrontation when he got back to where he lived.

When I left back home, he confessed that there were days where he regretted his decision (breaking up with his ex) and he just felt alone. But he has said that he's happy and that's what matters. From their confrontation, she has mentioned how he'd willingly waste 3 years of their relationship for a girl that he's known for a month.

What got to me was when she brought up a point, how I flirted despite the fact that I found out that he was in a relationship. Because I was in her position as well, I've got cheated on multiple occasions and I know how it felt on the receiving end. Though I never really thought about it and enjoyed the relationship to the fullest, until now despite how late it is in the relationship.

I'm thinking of talking to him about this because I feel like he deserves to know. But at the same time, I don't want to stress him out as is. I don't want to break up with him but I don't know how to go forward with this revelation.