I am so thankful that this subreddit exists. I have been perusing theory and self-improvement posts. I am looking for direction on a couple of questions regarding relationship and self-improvement.

I am 23f in a 4-year relationship with a man I now live with.


  • What are some good books/resources about the positive feminine?

  • If I am argumentative and intellectual by nature, what are some good ways to make sure my boyfriend never feels inferior? (He has never voiced this feeling explicitly, just remarked that I am smarter than him, which I have always refuted).

  • I think this man wants to marry and have kids with me. He has said so on multiple occasions without prompting. I am a little scared, because I want to be able to contribute financially in a partnership and thus, have prioritized going back to school before marriage. Is my reasoning detrimental to me or us?