Hi everyone, I am trying to understand what the Red Pill consensus is on "playing hard to get" in the initial stages of dating.

I've read that women should be more "feminine" ( submissive, easygoing, friendly, accommodating, etc), rather than masculine: (sarcastic, "bitchy," loud, and domineering), but what about the initial dating stages?

My female brain is telling me that guys will get bored easily if I am too available (text back fast, can hang out when they want me to, etc), but is that just me projecting/female solipsism?

I would consider that a turn-off in men, because it implies that they have nothing else going on. Of course I don't want to be kept waiting days and days for a text-back or a date, but a few hours would be acceptable.

Additionally, men like the "chase" of the woman, so shouldn't there be some kind of struggle to "get" her? Wouldn't it be a turn-off if she's easily won?

Or is there a middle ground?

Thanks so much in advance for your help!