I personally do not think that Myer Briggs 16 personalities are set in stone, I think it's it much more complex than that. That being said, I have always checked out as an INTJ and reading about INTJ personality traits is like reading my own personal manual about me and myself.

For those who are aware about this personality you may understand where I am going with this. I have a lot of feelings, but I am terrible at expressing them and/or understand them. I know happy, sad, angry, but that's kind of it. I get really emotional connected to a few people, and they get all my attention, the only problem is that it's hard for me to show them my feelings for them.

I understand now that this is a big problem for me when dating. I have written about this man I dated for some time, he felt really insecure about me because he thought I was only playing with him. Everything I said and did was perfect for him, and true from me of course, and I actually thought that I had made it pretty clear about how I felt for him, but that was not the case... He actually told me that he felt like I was playing this perfect girl to make him fall in love with me, but that it was just a game for me because me emotions didn't show the same as my words and my actions. He said he put up a wall to distance himself from his emotions, he liked being with me and joined in on the game he thought I was playing. But I am actually madly in love with him, and ruined everything...

We are going to meet next week and talk about things, but I am afraid it's too late. But I want to change no matter what happens. I also understand that being too out of touch with my own feelings and being too analytic and logical are not very feminine traits.