A bit self indulgent of me, but I found the red pill after suffering a health crisis ;so I am naturally starting to feel better 'mentally' too ; but RP has basically shown me I need to toughen up in a few areas in my life and now that I am doing that ; some people behaviour remarkably different around me in various ways. Many like me more, many are kinder, nicer overall, I'd say a few don't like me overall but that's fine, it is what it is. Yet even if I lose some on the road, I have become myself. I basically behave the way I naturally would do and it affects my life decisions - mostly for the better. I was way too passive agressive, scared even until a year ago. Letting life just roll on without a purpose.
Exercise and good food seems to have given me back that sexual urge, I now see women and if they are attractive and give IOIs etc, I get bolder and braver in behaviour each time, I am trying to avoid women tbh, and focus on practical projects, learning new things and keeping in shape. Yet the occasions I meet with them, it can get crazy flirty and I find if I haven't came in 4-5 days, women can´t stop touching me - no matter the age haha, I´m guessing something will happen with someone soon but TRP isn´t even about that for me, it´s about the steps I am making in getting my life back on track.
New roads, conversations, paths, everything is opening up to me, even as an older guy who basically sailed the Beta Contentness ship in his late 20s right up to now. I described to my friend as feeling like a kid again, enjoying the ride and boxing/weight training is helpen toughen me up mentally. I was a people pleaser, too placid, a beta cuck really from about 28-39, I was more cavalier when I was younger, but a shit diet, contentness, laziness took over. I eat better I feel better, and I´m finding SHOCK FUCKING HORROR, that you actually feel a lot better when you don´t guzzle down soft drinks and chocolate almost daily and start eating ´proper´ food, your body changes and for the better. I love that at 41, I can run 9 miles in one go, and still get a good workout, walk, it´s vital for men to be healthy and fit, might not have played at my peak when I was younger, better looking yet now I am older, and gained a mental toughness I never had, life honestly right now is a joy.
Here's to RP!
coolsocks00 1 9mo ago
Love to see it. Enjoy
[deleted] 9mo ago
Lone_Ranger 2 9mo ago
Welcome brother.
At 41, you are going to see that life for you is just beginning. It sounds like you have woken up. Nothing finer to behold than a man coming into his prime, fully woken up. Keep going man, live life for yourself.
TRPDuryodhana 9mo ago
It's truly a night and day difference, of how people treat you once you act with the RP frame. Good luck.
Though this has had some disillusioning affect on me that I can't seem to shake off for good. I'll make a post about it sometime.
slowlylearning1 9mo ago
Thank you for the kind words everyone. Still plenty of work to do, and I love that I have a thrive and drive for life again.
Duroydhana, I'd love to read that post of yours. I have gone through the various stages of RP - and was stuck around anger/disappointment for a few months - just by seeing how some people previously treated me with basically contempt to now asking me for advice or interested in my hobbies. Is this something similar to what you are/were going through?
TRPDuryodhana 9mo ago
That's correct. Although internally you're the same guy as before, just with a few behavioral changes people start to treat you differently.
TRPDuryodhana 9mo ago
Although I'm nowhere near that guy, the underlying shock's the same.
slowlylearning1 9mo ago
That is really interesting.
I am not quite at that level as him, but the IOIs are almost the same. I deliberately went to a nice bar for a couple of drinks whilst having 90 minutes to kill and on purpose sat in the corner furthest away from people, by the time I left there, the three empty tables had people sitting at them often the women choosing their seating position facing me or looking over not so subtly, often whilst holding beta bucks boyfriend's hand. Women keep touching me too. Hands, shoulders, or standing incredibly close. Recently this 22 year old I vaguely know was quite tipsy, and followed me in to the bathroom before apologising saying she had no idea why she went there, she was meaning to go to the ladies! The double standards women can get away with touching etc is crazy. Imagine your average Joe following a woman in to the toilet! POLICE HELP ETC!
I aint Chad, but crazy what shedding weight, getting some muscle on, and exercising every day (even rest days mean 10,000 step strolls). I walk everywhere too. My BF is 12%, I want it down to single digits, but I am getting older, but I will persist and continue eating and training well.
The most annoying thing about all this (when it comes to the opposite sex) is I was such a beta bucks guy the last ten years. I did everything 'they' told me to do - parents, family, friends, women, educators, movies aka be a nice guy, don't be a dick and it got me absolutely nowhere. I was too soft to state my real opinion, I just wanted an easy life and people to get along etc ; then realised there are a lot of snakes out there who are only in for it for themselves, I now accept the reality of life and plan accordingly. I basically hid my personality as my general demeanor is naturally happy-go-lucky but so many people are miserable, especially failing men who basically are still teenagers ; and I could see how miserable MANY men in their 30s and 40s are!
Another weird observation is 90% of people don't seem to want to grow, develop or get better. which I find amazing. I have friends in their 30s, 40s who have no idea how to cook, do basic DIY, play video games and don't care about their appearance. Some have given up, a 'friend' of mine who I see rarely even said he thinks its pathetic that men keep working out at 40 ; i just laughed and said ''your loss".
No one has the work ethic or commitment, I am starting to see gains in the gym and I've only been going 3x a week now for 12 weeks, I'm not particularly strong yet seeing my biceps growing, double chin gone, the V shaped taper shaping up, my upper chest is now toned and flat, moobs gone etc whilst a few more months of cardio will have my stomach incredibly flat - I'm already fitter than 90% of people my age I am guessing.
Its not even been that hard either. Just commitment. I don't like busy gyms, yet I hadn't been since Friday (was away over the weekend) but decided I must go today and then again on Friday. I went after work, usually busy, I'm in the gym to do the work and prefer it early on or before lunch, - pre-RP me would have delayed the gym and said I'll go on Friday in the afternoon rather than bothering to go at 'rush hour' but bit the bullet, and went when it was busy, longer waiting for machines and weights but went and got it done!
I find overall most people are treating me very well. I'd say most men like me, but I seem to annoy hipster/LGBT types, they must think I look an arrogant prick or something cos often or not they'll have a stink on, yet I am mostly very friendly to service staff (especially if the server is being competent, polite and nice at their job). I love company with the right people, but I am happy alone too, I geniunely try to do things every single day. Noticing jealous beta husbands and people I know, will drown out conversations if we are around women ; they will try to be funny, interesting, and end up completely blowing it by not having the ability to be interesting or funny. So many men cannot shut up and seem to think by talking a 100 words a minute, it'll make them interesting or look good in front of women. One guy i know tries to be the friendly, how are you type yet he'll ask people vague questions about how they are doing without every listening with intent, only doing it to look good in bigger groups and gatherings.
I have decided I'll only engage/put effort in with people who return it back. I don't kiss ass anymore (I never did really, but I was a people pleaser, didn't want confrontation and an easy life). I've seen people change and sadly I think some people who I assumed were nice/friendly now seem to be quite passive aggressive at times.
Overall feeling good, but one of the two biggest surprises have been people you thought were friends/liked you turning into beta bitches and how basic things like asserting yourself, posture, even can go a long way in to commanding respect.
I didn't mean to post as much, but again, I'm just amazed overall at this. And all it really took was some dedication and hard graft - eat well, exercise, have hobbies, interests.
Would love to read a post of your experiences if you have the time, or anyone in general. A solid year of progress and I am bubbling along quite nicely. Haven't been as happy in a long time too too. So many dudes can do this too, it just takes to start believing in yourself, build up your confidence, honesty and once you start eating well/exercising, you'll notice how fat and out of shape many people are. Yet most people are too lazy to stick at it!
Wolve 8mo ago
Your comment actually helped me reflect on my own life and building myself up again. Thank you.
Intrepid_Place53900 1 9mo ago
good story, good to see it.
Remember , women want to claim the winners at the finish line.
A guy who's "got his shit together" and looks good at 41, is a winner.
watch your wallet. ;)