I just discovered TRP and I realized by reading that I never put any effort into my game. When I go out with friends, all we do is talk to eachother: I never even try to approach women. The last couple of years of college sucked because of COVID, so no parties = not a chance to pick up a girl. But I realized that even if COVID wouldn't have happened, I would probably still have no romantic success by now. I"m 21 years old, is it too late to still turn around my romantic life? This is my last year as a college student, I fear that once I start working I will be able to go out less and have even less of a chance to meet someone.

As for my romantic life: I only kissed a girl (who had a crush on me) once when I was drunk, 0 experience besides that. When girls are interested in me or when I'm heavily interested/have a crush on a girl, I become very anxious and I just lock up. I've realized over the years that texting/chatting is way too easy, while talking with a crush irl feels nearly impossible for me without shutting down. I would say I'm not ugly, kind of tall at 6'3" and I know how to socialize (friends even tell me I'm a pretty smooth talker), but I'm pretty retarded when it comes to flirting with girls. When I was around 12/13 years old, I was very 'cute' (like Justin Bieber I guess, not manly) and popular among girls but I had 0 interest in them at that point. Often girls would admit they had a crush on me and I'd reject them or ignore them. I had a crush that I would text everyday, but when I saw her in school we never talked. I often took the blue pill route because it's less stressful but obviously no success at all once you're in that zone. Or I would be very serious to women, once a girl told me I was 'cold' and 'unemotional' Used Tinder since 18 years old but it's a nightmare, usually get 10 likes and then I delete my account again. I once had a 6/10 at a bar that approached me three times during the evening, but each time I ditched her and went back to my friends because I wasn't really interested in her. I once was very loudly enjoying myself with my friends in a bar, when a 9/10 approached me (seemingly interested because of the fuss I created). I talked to her and it was a good friendly conversation (no escalation though), but then after a while she just headed back to her friend group. It left me kind of confused, did she want me to make a move or something and left because she was disappointed? I still don't really know how I could have handled that better, maybe I should have gone after her. More recently this year, I talked to a 8/10 that I knew through a friend at a bar. Everything was going well and she kept giving me signals, so I was escalating until I finally got the courage to grab her hand and tell her to follow me outside. But then when I tried to approach for a kiss, she told me she was 17 and she thought I was a little too old for her. Felt so embarrased because of that, I literally wanted to run away at that point but instead I just ditched her and went back to my friends. She followed me on Instagram and I followed back, we started talking again and then she asked if I would go to a movie with her as she was going anyways. I wasn't available that night, so I told her: "maybe an other time?" She didn't respond and I haven't heard from her since. Those are the closest encounters I've had, which seems kind of pathetic when I look back at it like this. I wish I could stop feeling so anxious/embarassed and just get into the habit of approaching women everytime I go out. When this whole COVID trouble is over, I hope I'm able to do that.