Hey all,

Got a question regarding something about Title IX and a false SA accusation that I got from a student organization that I was in. Thing was, this happened in some time between January and March of last year and I was already no longer an active member since February. I was never aware of what exactly that I was accused of until October of last year. I got a text message on my phone and a phone call from a coordinator/officer telling me that they needed my corroboration for a Title IX violation investigation because someone accused of me "stalking". I was shocked at first but then I tried to hear this student organization coordinator/officer out and what they had to say about something regarding the sexual harassment accusation that was made against me. They asked if I had anything to say for my actions since someone was feeling "uncomfortable" regarding my presence in the student organization and I just told them no so they decided to forward the permanent ban on me and that I would never be allowed to rejoin and participate in meetings and events of said student organization. Honestly, I was super devastated but then I had a quick moment to rethink about this whole SA accusation thing, and I still think about it very much. Any advice, legal or non-legal would be great and is greatly appreciated since I don't know where I can really start and then prove my innocence to these student coordinators/officers somehow that I was falsely accused of SA.