I am looking for advice from seniors who are from conservative countries (India, to be exact) as the question revolves around spinning plates (or cheating)
Discovered TRP at 17, spent 3 years in red pill rage + browsing blackpill/incel forums
Now, turning 22 soon, started going out and talking to women this year and also got into a relationship with a girl but only last month, I know my bad, I shouldn't have given commitment. Suddenly, I have more girls asking me to meet (they are not aware that I am in a relationship with someone else). Now I really want to meet these other girls and have fun but my mind is pulling me back.
Prior to the pills, I just wanted one-girl, one-family, one-life type of stuff. If I meet go on a date with these girls then I am officially cheating, this is not who I wanted to be. Although the blackpill has helped me lose my feelings but I still haven't lost my morality. But I want to lose it. My mind keeps thinking what if these 4-5 girls find out about each other, my reputation will go down the drain.
And the worst, what if I get physical with them and they find out I am cheating on them, so they might file a r*pe case on me and brutally end my career as well as reputation.
What should I do? I know its common to rotate plates here but that's much more common in the West. Women all across the globe are the same though, hence looking for your perspectives.
adam-l Moderator 2mo ago
A date is not cheating.
ogrilla99 2mo ago
I'm an ABCD but from what I've seen when I've visited India, is that women these days, especially in big cities, are just about as slutty as anywhere else. Western culture has permeated pretty much everywhere. The only thing is they are somewhat more secretive about it because it's still taboo to have a reputation as a slut when it comes time to get married.
You ask two questions. First how to spin plates without pissing the women off to the point they make false allegations against you. As other posters said, the two parts to this are honesty and respect. Be honest about what you want and are willing to provide. And respect their decisions. If they don't want you, respect that decision and move on on good terms. And if they do agree to be your plate, don't treat them like some worthless ho. Don't put them on a pedestal but, regardless of what you think of their morals, don't insult them or make them feel worthless. Treat them like human beings, no more no less, and they'll usually be fine.
Oh yeah, and I'll add one more: discretion. Like I mentioned, in conservative countries a girl's main fear isn't fucking around. It's getting found out. So don't be the guy that boasts to everyone about your conquest, or shares pictures with your buddies. That's the type of shit that will land you in trouble real fast. Trust me, your reputation as a ladies man will get around -- in a good way -- to the people that matter, namely other women who are deciding whether to join your harem based on how discreet you've been with your previous relationships.
FWIW all this advice applies even if you're in an exclusive relationship. After all, even a girl you're exclusively dating for years can falsely accuse you if they're mad at you.
Your second question is about the morality of all this. That's a question you have to answer for yourself. If you decide spinning plates is not consistent with your set of morals, that's fine. Don't let other guys make you feel like a lesser man for following your own path. In that case, use the red pill teachings to get the absolute best woman with which to have an exclusive relationship with. Many of the mods here are married and faithful to their wives. Red pill is still useful to getting such a relationship and keeping it going.
I will say that I did spin plates for awhile after I got to the point that I was able to. And I was okay with it because I was honest about what I wanted and I realized I wasn't "taking advantage" of anyone: girls want to fuck hot guys and have purely physical relationships just as much as guys do. maybe not all of them, but a surprisingly high percentage of them. Thinking girls are all virginal flowers waiting for their husbands is blue pill pedestalizing of people who have the same urges as guys do.
Part of my moral hesitation was thinking it was wrong to "take advantage" of women, but that was me still having my blue pill assumption that every girl only wants a nice, kind guy to get married to. But if both of us are just looking for some non-committal fun, and can enjoy that with each other for as long as it lasts, then why not? What's wrong with it? Fwiw, I had fewer plates than many of my friends because there were girls that I said no to for various reasons, even if they wanted to be with me (eg they were in relationships with my friends, or were married, etc. Later on I rejected plates that were hot but otherwise had nothing going on because, after the novelty of fucking hot women wore off, I preferred a smaller number of higher quality plates that I could actually enjoy spending time with, rather than a large gaggle of straight up fuck buddies). So this isn't a binary decision between being a faithful monk or becoming a complete man whore. As you encounter women, decide if they are worth pursuing for whatever type of relationship you're interested in from them (is she girlfriend material? FWB? Fuck buddy? One night stand?) give it your best shot, if they say no then move on. If they say yes, then enjoy it until you or her are ready to move on. Rinse. Repeat.
And when you find a woman that you feel is worthy of committing to, then you can drop your plates and focus on that.
So bottomline is that it's your choice to decide whether spinning plates is compatible with your beliefs. If it's not, that's fine. Either way, use red pill to get the best woman/women for the type of relationship(s) you want, and as long as you're honest, respectful, and discreet, you shouldn't have a problem.
whytehorse2021 2mo ago
Just friend-zone them and tell them you're with someone. If your gf doesn't work out you can let them know you're single again. Or if they wanna fuck anyway stick your dick in them.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 2mo ago
I swore off of answering AskTRPs but i just want to answer this part because this shit happened to me but i want to assure you (and other guys) that it's not as widespread as you'd think. I've pulled so many chicks in the past couple years and it was limited to 2-3 predictably bad experiences.
One, you're not going to bag all 4-5. That's not how it works. You don't pull 100%. Meet doesn't = lay. Literally anything can make them not want to go all the way. But kudos if you can.
Secondly, most women will not grape allegation you if you are an honest shooter that respects hard no's.
The only times I've risked any false ones is escalating a bit past actual no's that i newbishly thought were shit tests when they were actually genuine not enough interest no's (granted this chick basically joked to me she wanted to fuck and made out with me hard just prior, but it didn't go past 2nd and i escalatd like shit after make out started and she actually had to leave)
One other time was a chick broke as a plate and i left the group that everyone loved me in over it and so they kicked her out. I didn't even mention her name or that I was seeing her. She told me she wasn't going to mention it and then immediately went and shat on me behind my back and they put 2 + 2 together immediately and kicked her out for that and other shit. In response she falsely accused me because her shitty behavior made her lose 20 friends
The other time a chick was extremely sexual with me but kept mentioning she will do anything BUT sex. I mean she basically came out the gates with it after i kissed her. In that case because she was so forward with that i actually think she knew what her limits were. I escalated hard and put my dick against her vagina. I had zero intention of putting it in and didn't (because i wouldn't do that) but she took it wrong. She asked me 5 minutes later to fuck her and then immediately regretted it for reasons that weren't my fault whatsoever. Bottom line is you need to be able to tell the difference between basic anti slut defense and chicks that are too mentally unstable to be in sexual situations. Her own dumbass asked me for sex and then said i forced it. Lunacy. She admitted she was wrong later but only after it gave me a heart attack
Honestly man, as long as you are honest to women about what you are doing and respect hard no's (even if they are the ones making it sexual) and don't stick your dick in batshit crazy, you won't get falsely accused
Also don't fuck chicks in relationships or coworkers. That'll get you grape allegations because they'll try to save face when it was their fault for being whores and they won't own it.
False grapes are usually limited to what i mentioned. You shouldn't be sweating bullets. I seriously think you're masturbating the hell out of having some Chad fantasy of 5 plates fresh out of being TRP aware you need to fucking stop
You are way ahead of yourself and not even processing any of this realistically
TheNewNormal 2mo ago
Hey, thank you for the response. And yes, I am still new on the field, learning whats happening with experience after reading the whole subreddit. You are right, I should stop counting my chickens before they hatch. Appreciate it.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 2mo ago
No problem.
Outside of the predictable fuckups I've listed, i regularly run into my exes/women I've pulled but didn't (want to or couldn't) fuck and they still love me.
Just do things the right way (but the red pill way, not the bitch way) and be a genuine but attractive human being, while avoiding obvious pitfalls, and they will still love you
I am highly respected by so many ex lays and pulls, even in public, because I've always opted for being genuine and honest, while still having great game and good rapport
It is the superior way imo. You avoid a lot of bullshit being a genuine human being with nothing to hide
Musicgoon78 1 2mo ago
Many years ago a coworker used to ask me: How do you get so much pussy? Of course another coworker answered for me "game" he said.
My coworker that asked this said that morally he couldn't juggle women like that. He was married. Later I found out he was going to rub and tug massage parlors. Essentially being a hypocrite.
The Red Pill is a-moral. That being said, the best thing for you emotionally and the kindest thing to do is simply be honest. You might not keep all the women you want with honesty, but trust me, more women will stick around than you expect. I've had women volunteer to be my side chick just to keep me in their life. I couldn't believe my ears!
Don't cheat. Be honest. You're HUGE mistake was trolling blackpill forums. They will fuck you up badly!
Tell your girl that you don't want to be monogamous. She can either leave or accept it and stay. Either way you get what you want.
It's important to know female nature firsthand. It will help you vet for an LTR. There is nothing immoral about being honest, selective and gaining life experience. Work on your thinking and frame first.
The guys that go to jail aren't the guys that overtly spin plates. Girls love a challenge. They just will never own that.
TheNewNormal 2mo ago
Thank you so much for the advise. However, I am unsure if in a country like India, non-monogamy will be accepted widely. I will still try it on some of the low-quality girls though which I wouldn't mind losing if they find polygamy disgusting..
MrSupreme 2mo ago
Be extra nice, I know Indian men have the stereotype of being creepy, be aware of that and try not to be a creep. You're not cheating unless you have a commitment to one girl,a reciprocal one.Other than that you're free to go out and fuck em all, wether you choose to just have one chick then that's up to you.
Get to know the women in your area and how the market is playing out, you say conservative mostly but conservative people can be hypocrites too,so watch out for people who are just pretending or coerced (family values) to be conservative. There is like 3 billion people in India so I'm sure they like sex