I‘m very new to all this (late bloomer/recently had first kiss at 22). Now I’m kinda trying out all kinds of things and I’ve noticed I’m not getting that much useful feedback. Like yeah she’ll tell me what position she likes etc but I wanna do stuff that gets her really going but it’s like whatever I do she’s always enthusiastic anyway but never like “damn that was above and beyond”.
For example, when we’re hanging out in public or going somewhere and I get horny, I’ll make her stop talking and drag her to a nearby secluded spot or dark corner and push her boundaries to the limit like opening her pants and fingering her etc. I always thought it’s hot af but she never really said anything about it afterwards, eventually I said I think it’s really hot when we do that and she just said “yeah that was hot”.
It kinda bothers me that I get no positive feedback besides seeing that she’s getting horny (but she always gets horny anyway no matter what I do so this doesn’t really mean anything). Is this normal, do women just not explicitly say when they’re really into something? Or am I just not doing anything worth complimenting and need to up my game? How do I even find out what’s the grade A way to fuck a woman when there’s like no feedback?
Also I know some people are going to say “just focus what you enjoy, not her”. I enjoy getting her off and making her horny.
blonded 6mo ago
Maybe just ask her lol
Kloi 6mo ago
You don't worry about what she likes because you run the relationship and fuck her how you like.
Women sexually are a lot more the fluid in how and what they like in the bedroom. Why would this be the one aspect of life where they don't get off on bending to a man's will?
That being said if you're a freak you start off slow, push her limits then back off. Cross those limits by an inch then back off. Working her into whatever you want.
Lionsmane8 6mo ago
They'll rarely tell you what they like. You kind of hae to stumble into it.
pofkaf 6mo ago
Read "Sex God Method." The entire book, cover to cover. It will change your sex life.
Also, follow a woman's actions, not her words. Women often don't know how to express what they like or dislike when it comes to sex. Just try whatever you want and see if she let's you do it.
whytehorse2021 6mo ago
Correct! Beat me to it...
MrSupreme 6mo ago
You could be experiencing lack of thrill due to watching too much porn,maybe you're used to porn actresses moaning loudly and just exaggerating the act.Real life is much different and what you see in that chick seems like it's a good quality sexual experience, you're just a bit insecure. Be in the moment
Musicgoon78 2 6mo ago
I'm going to sound like a bundle of sticks, but just get her talking. Once you talk about your fantasies and if they are twisted, she will open up about hers. I guarantee they will have some sort of dominance kink in the mix.
NeoSpartan 6mo ago
You can't not be getting feedback, you must just not be paying attention.
Does she not make sounds when you do stuff to her? You can tell from the sounds they make.
Problematic_Browser 1 6mo ago
You tell them how they like to be fucked.
Problematic_Browser 1 6mo ago
You tell them how they like to be fucked.
Intrepid_Place53900 1 6mo ago
Some women are vocal about it, some not.
Younger women are normally a bit shy about it, older women generally not.
In a new relationship, many girls are "worried" about anything they do or say , will scare you off,etc.
Many girls when I was young, wouldn't say much when asked what they like/want. Most would actually tell me, do what you want with me, use me. That actually turns me on and I did exactly what they asked.
Many women, like to be treated like your cum dump, they want you to go animal on them. What they get out of it, is that their body is creating this lust from you , they get off on it. They see themselves as "desirable", which ALL women want.
As long as they have orgasms, it's good, if they aren't or you think they are faking. Reminder, its True that most women can't orgasm by PIV alone. also, most women enjoy oral more.
As others have said here, read the sex god method. Are you doing any of those techniques ? From experience, it has an impact for sure.