I guess kinda building on my last question.
You see all those dumbass 30+ yo broads talkin about “where are all the good men” but then what about the fellas that don’t get married in early 20s?
I’ve been acutely aware of like divorce n shit from a young age (even though my parents thankfully never did) and I made my peace w the idea of not getting hitched till later in life. Mainly due to the way laws are written; as said often in redpill it’s a losing deal for the guys.
But is this going to be weird? If im like 36/37/38 years old or even 40-42 years old by the time I’m ready to settle down and let’s say I’ve been in an LTR w some chick in her early 20s… won’t her parents object or something? Is this the new norm in life?
Sorry I’m just hamstering right now
Musicgoon78 2 9mo ago
Do you think for yourself or do you just worry about everyone else's approval?
Kloi 9mo ago
My girlfriend's parents have a 15 year age gap, my parents have a 10ish.
Not far back into our history this becomes more and more of a the norm not the exception.
There's a statistic from OLD that shows the age range men and women prefer based on their age range. If memory serves men across all ages enjoy the 21-25yo bracket more than any other because women are sought after for their beauty which is directly correlated to their youth.
Often I see women who are only pretty because of good genetics, not lifestyle choices. Give any of these hot party girls 10 years on the scene and gone is their attractiveness.
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 9mo ago
Spot on w the genetics bit; too many of the good looking shorties have absolute dog shit habits (eating junk food consistently, minimal workouts etc). Soon as they start hitting that wall reality is gonna hit em like a train.
Lone_Ranger 2 9mo ago
its not their beauty we seek, its their fertility.
Women never seem to understand this, and a lot of modern men seem to have developed women brain.
oowiw 9mo ago
"but everyone says I look younger so it can't be my age"
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 9mo ago
I’d also throw in longevity (of attraction).
If you were to marry a 35yo when you’re 35; you’ve got maybe like 10 years and some change of still being sexually attracted to wifey.
Whereas if you got a younger one she can still be hot for a good 20+ years.
Lone_Ranger 2 9mo ago
That's really not the issue. Most men find their wife attractive for the rest of their lives. It really is not an issue.
The big issue with marrying a much younger woman is the same as marrying any woman - they are all on a time line. As soon as they have a couple of kids and they are in their 40s they panic and want one more round of dick on the CC, so they divorce rape their husbands.
It does not matter if you are George costanza or brad pitt - husbands give wives the ick.
Whatsnext 9mo ago
idk if its "normal" but being normal rn is being fat and your wife is in charge of you and your daughter is a borderline internet prostitute. and your son is a fat, weak bitch lol. in high school we had a girl start dating and marry a 40+ yr old and i thought it was disgusting at the time (jealousy of me wanting the beautiful girl.) but now that im older i realize i would've ruined the relationship anyway and then where would she be? the 40 year old married her, gave her kids and a great life in upper class.
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 9mo ago
What a boss
enfier 9mo ago
One fuckin chick got upset that you were 28 and you are freaking out about your options at 42. Start charging her rent because she's living in your head.
From a guy who is 42, my options are better now than they were at 30 and 25. Take that as you will.
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 9mo ago
Definitely right; to be fair it’s just not the first time something like that has happened. In general I avoid the topic of my age when I’m talking to chicks and usually it’s not an issue.
But those circumstances where they make it seem like it’s sus can tend to get under my skin ya feel. It’s prob just bc I’m still in the college environment as opposed to real world n shit. Glad to know the scene still has room for improvement as I get older
Lone_Ranger 2 9mo ago
you are hamstering all right. I saw it in your last post.
Your current hamstering is all about how it might 'look weird' if you (the guy) is older than the chick.
Forget all about 'what it will look like'. This is partly 'main character syndrome' on your behalf.
The other part of it is that you seem to be listening to the mouth noises of the inspins. Forget all about that.
There are loads of young women that choose to marry or LTR much older men. This is normal, has always been normal. It will never change, no matter how upset the feminazis are.
You need to forget all about age gaps and 'how it might look' and get on with your life, your goals and your mission. In terms of marriage - think carefully about it.
The only reason a man could ever have to get married is to provide (at huge risk to himself) a stable environment in which to raise children. That is it. Marriage makes men poor and celibate.
You are entirely focused on the wrong question: young chicks, age gap, what age you should marry etc
The big question is this: Do you want to have children?
You need to answer yourself that question. If you don't want to have children, then the rest of your life is very simple - never get married. Just have a series of girlfriend that are much younger, like Leo Di Caprio. He has never married... because he doesn't need to.
Stop ruminating on the social etiquette of age gaps and focus on what you want out of life. There will always be pussy available, but you have to ask at what price.
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 9mo ago
I do believe I want to have a son or two when I’m older; despite all the associated risks.
My logic at least if waiting until older: if youve built up a good chunk of wealth/assets before marriage; those can absolutely be protected via prenups. Wealth acquired during the marriage not so much; but wealth previously owned can be kept safe.
Living like leo is def an aspiration haha
Lone_Ranger 2 9mo ago
we've discussed this before - prenups are a delusion. They don't work the way you think they work.
"Wealth previously owned can be kept safe"
So many men have believed this, and then seen it all disappear.
Lone_Ranger 2 9mo ago
forget all about prenups. Sounds like you have much to learn.
If you want to have kids, then what you need to do is try and find a decent woman. Which you will NOT find in the bars and clubs.
From reading your posts (which I enjoy) I suspect that your issue might be that you don't really like good girls very much. I seem to recall that you like hanging out in bars and picking up sluts.
The big risk to you is that you will catch feels for one of these sluts and then wife one up in a mad roll of the dice.
If I were you, knowing what I know about women (and divorce rape), at 53... I would put as much distance between you and sluts as possible. I would end my association with sluts.
Sluts are like junk food. You get used to it. You start thinking that you can just work out a bit more, and it won't harm you. It will.
Forget about sluts. Focus on you. The woman will come.
First-light 9mo ago
Everyone will accept it fine if you are quality. Only the jealous will gossip and that really just adds to your kudos.
However, I did note a "ready to settle down" in your post. If this is a "will only have the resources secured by then, then fair enough and I hope you do it sooner" If however its is a "I fear the laws around cohabitation (lets assume you know marriage is insane in the west today and won't touch it with a barge pole), then do bear in mind it is not going to get any better if you Chad about for a few more years first.
While it is dumb as hell for women to delay reproduction past say 21, if they can get a suitable partner sooner, it is still pretty dumb for men to do so too (if they can get the finances and the girl). The older and more successful you get the bigger target you become for being taken for child support and your home and whatever cuck arsed laws they have put in place in your state for cohabiting. You also have less time left to rebuild after the rape of your finances has happened. Do not assume any woman is safe. She may be safe when you knock her up but later when life has tested her and taken you both in different directions, she might be and she might not be safe. When the going gets tough, women look after number 1. Its best to take risks when you are young and can bounce back. You also tend to have less to lose then.
Machiavelli was spot on when he said if you know you are going to have to fight a battle and you are strong enough to win it, do not delay to engage. Reproduction is a battle these days for men. As soon as you are strong enough to win -engage.
Any reproductive relationship with any woman entails unfair levels of risk for men these days. These days I am thinking that if/when my current relationship ends, I will go celibate just because I am too old to want to rebuild after a split, have done enough reproducing with enough women. When I talk to older men who have been ruined by their divorces, I am grateful I learned my lesson in my early 30's. I only had to give away just over half of what I owned and borrow about 5 times my annual income. I bounced back, had kids with 3 other women after that and will in less than a decade be untouchable financially by any woman, am in the black and outright own business, land and a house, my pension when it comes will be all mine. Suffer that hit at 50 and its another story.
Fight while you have strength.
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 9mo ago
Get what you’re saying. I think for me it’s s couple of things:
I’m aware that the peak smv happens in my 30s (jacked + multi millionaire = supermodel 19-21yo chick status in terms of smv). When the peak happens I’m not going to want to just settle down right away after all the grind it took to get there.
First-light 9mo ago
I also get what you are saying but its a high risk strategy.
You are max harvestable then for divorce rape this way and its a one shot way -you peak and cash in, its a bit late for a second family if it goes wrong. You are also very at risk of having a woman with whom you have little in common who complains "you are never around when she needs you" when the children are small. You will be a business man and she will be a hot young thing stuck in a big house. Its expecting you can complete a dismount from your business interests just as your kids become interesting to a man. I get it but it sounds like a perfect on paper plan but plans never survive first contact with the enemy. If life throws no curved balls, this will go off fine. But how often does life throw no curved balls?
It is a bit like the ladies who will have the career first, then the family, yes the window is bigger for men and they peak later and less steeply but there are also risks. The grind may simply not get you there. Will it be worth it when you are there not settled down having your Chad moment and dealing with incredibly shallow women while yourself having minimal practise in actual relationships because you have become what you do -80 hours of work a week of work?
I am not knocking the principle because it is sound -make yourself strong, healthy and financially stable and then better things can happen than if you had not. This is totally the right idea. It just seems a bit too perfectly timed and choreographed a plan. I would not discount the value of your youth to yourself for enjoyment or to your family, I would be wary of being harvested as a catch by a gold digger when you have had no practise in life partnerships and then harvested again in a divorce rape. I would take less than perfect if it came along because sometimes you just don't know when your stock will peak.
All that said good luck. I hope you get a fine woman and raise a fine family. The principle is sound and the ambition honest.
Lone_Ranger 2 9mo ago
SMV peak is much later than 30s for a guy. It's probably late 40s.
Lionsmane8 9mo ago
Dude. What a dumb question.
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 9mo ago
I mean you’re not wrong haha
Durek_The_Bald 9mo ago
I don't know what the statistics are. But as an average, middle class income, fairly average looking guy from Western Europe, that's not what I see around me. Mostly, the age difference seems to be 2-7 years or so.
Probably different though, if you're part of the financial elite, famous, or looking like a Greek god (minus the small penis). But that's not my social class, so I don't see a lot of that personally.
I was 36, wife was 29 when we started hooking up. So yeah, prime epiphany phase lol. Which is probably the reality for most middle-aged men. You can easily get women in their epiphany phase (late 20's) even when you're 50+ though.
But early 20's? Well, then you're either going to have to be really high value, or sacrifice some things that probably aren't worth sacrificing (young and fat, young and ugly, young and BPD, young and retarded etc.). Young women have a lot of options, unless there's something really wrong with them.
Obviously, there are huge cultural differences here as well.
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 9mo ago
Stop right there.
A) why the fuck would you want "normal"? Normal sucks.
B) why the fuck would you want to get married at all? Marriage is a terrible deal for men. I didn't know how bad of a deal it was when I did it, but you know.
I saw where you wrote somewhere
(not sure if you edited it out of this post, or if it was a comment in another post I saw when I was skimming during brief downtime at work yesterday)(edit - found it) that some chick was into you until her friend played cockblock by saying something like "eeeew, he's 28!"A) That chick was into you until her friend interfered. That's why you initiate, isolate, and escalate.
B) if that happens again before you get a chance to isolate, have fun and play with it. It's an opportunity to show that you're unflappable. Try a little Agree & Amplify.
"Yeah, I'm 28! I was hoping she'd help me pick my nursing home as I wait to die!"
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 9mo ago
It’s always the ugly one too lmaooo
TheStallion 9mo ago
You will just tell her dad "I'm saving your daughter before she turns into a whore". Maybe using different words.
Her dad will be extremely happy to see a successful man in his prime (30s), who presumably has a good financial situation and conservative values, taking her daughter's hand before society and college turns her into a whore.
And if her dad is a liberal cuck, he will have no say in the family, so her parents won't pose an issue on who their daughter marries.
I think you just needed reassuring words for a thought you already had but were too afraid to express. Cheers mate
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 9mo ago
Pretty much haha I just let it get under my skin for a bit; appreciate ya!
whytehorse2021 9mo ago
You won't even show your age until 45+. All I'm gonna say is you do NOT want to be waking up to a baby crying in the middle of the night in your 50s. You do not want to be living with your kid into your 70s.
As far as mate selection goes, it's very rare for a good woman to get into her 30s as a marriageable woman. My wife was 28 when we got married and we were both late bloomers. Plus we spent years getting to know each other. A good rule of thumb is the 3 strikes rule. If a woman has already gone through 3 relationships without success, she's one of those hopeless serial monogamists that ask the big question in her 30s.
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 9mo ago
That’s actually pretty solid advice; more than 3 ex’s = susss
whytehorse2021 9mo ago
Oh and also bars/colleges get really old and stupid the older you get. You outgrow those people once you hit the real world, wake up early, and work for a living. Sort of like all those high school party people you left behind. Yeah I may go to the red light district and fuck an 18yr old on occasion but I'm definitely not there to socialize and don't want to be seen out in public with a hoe.
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 9mo ago
It’s already pretty fuckin old I’m just a sucker for pretty women