I never had success with this age range doing cold approach. They are autistic and have awful social skills. They freeze when you start talking to them. They are on TikTok and Instagram all day. Short attention span. Hella guys simping for them on social media, dating apps and social circle.
How do I lay these girls? How do I put myself in a position where I am their best option? How do I present myself in a way that makes them view me in a positive sexual light? Where are good places to go and meet them?
I am 24 years young and 179 cm. Nothing remarkable about my appearance. My strengths are my sense of humor and ballsy-ness. I could also be viewed positively as the "charming foreigner guy", which helps with certain girls. My weaknesses are my physique(skinny), social proof and knowledge of native language(not that big of a deal honestly). Being a foreigner sometimes makes girls uninterested as they get the vibe of "this foreigner who's only chatting to me to try to use me"
Problematic_Browser 1 11mo ago
My advice? Don't.
First, you're 24. You have things you need to be doing right now like getting your money, muscle, and mind in order. Trying to chase these women will never give you a positive ROI.
Moreover, as you noted, these women are showered with attention from men of much higher status (or men willing to just give them more). As a 41 year old man, me and my peer group can just game them away from you anyways (because we did the work in our 20s and 30s.)
My advice to you is to work on being the most powerful version of yourself. Ironically, doing that and ignoring these women ends up being extremely attractive to them. You'll attract a better quality of woman this way as well.
[deleted] 11mo ago
Problematic_Browser 1 11mo ago
And how successful are you at that? Not very from what I'm gathering. But you can do whatever you want.
Success is the only metric that matters.
"cReEpY" is a term used by two groups of people: old women who are mad that they can't get the men they feel they deserve, and young men who are mad that they are losing the women they feel they deserve.
Neither groups failings are my concern - I worked hard to get where I'm at and if I wanna blast up in a 24 year old I'm gonna do it.
Why do you think all of the pros here are telling you what we're telling you?
Only one of those sentences is true. If you don't get sex, you will not die. If you don't work on yourself, you're gonna have a hard life of no sex and destitution.
Ignoring that you said "chase the bag" like one of those "okay skurrt periodT" girls, I told you what would happen if you worked on yourself.
[deleted] 11mo ago
Problematic_Browser 1 11mo ago
Do what you want. Have fun man.
The_Alchemist 11mo ago
Hey there. This comment thread actually inspired me to make an account here because OP is so dense, and I wanted to thank you for posting some good advice.
I used to be kind of like him, looking for the cheat codes. I recently turned 30 and moved to a new state, and reality is finally hitting me. Nearly broke, shit job, shit car, no women. I really wish I’d put in more effort in the past instead of coasting along. But I’m thankful for what I do have, and I can see much more clearly now that THIS is the time to be working hard and investing in the future. I finally understand what it’s like to actually be busy and “not have time” for dating. And the time I do have off, I really enjoy with my friends or in solitude. My best friend / roommate is having his soul sucked out by an immature girl he’s dating and he’s let it completely wreck his diet, schedule, finances and free time. He gets laid and she’s cute, but it’s been another eye opener for me. Maybe it’s just the type of thing we (and OP) have to suffer through to learn.
Problematic_Browser 1 11mo ago
Well, a wise man learns from the mistakes of others.
As far as your roommate goes, just watch. If he falls too far off his fitness and his finances, see how fast she loses attraction for him.
Remember, women's love is consumptive. They will want you to give them every bit of you, even at your own expense and when that ends up making you less than the man they desired to begin with, they leave.
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mattyanon Admin 11mo ago
If you're skinny it's even more important to build muscle.
No-Stress-Cat 12mo ago
I'm rocking the Dad Bod myself. No complaints here. Need to get back into the gym though. I'm starting to let myself go a little. Still eating right though, so I don't turn into a 90-year-old fat fuck.
[deleted] 12mo ago
AsianDude 12mo ago
As a mid-30s guy, I think that being 'jacked' is overrated.
Instead of hitting the gym regularly, I played racket sports 3 times a month and invested most of my 20s time in my career and a side-income stream. My BMI was 30+ when I was in my 30s and I didn't have issues attracting attractive early/mid-20s women (and women my age). When I attended social gatherings, all it takes is for one of my acquaintances to casually mention, "Hey did you know, AsianDude graduated from XX universities and is now working in XX company..."
I've had college girls walk up to me and tell me that they didn't mind a large 10+ y.o. age gap. When I went to social events without my gf, women would come and sound me out to see if I was available. Some women would even come and chat me up, in front of my gf.
[deleted] 12mo ago
AsianDude 11mo ago
Exactly my point on money and status being more important than being 'jacked'.
I was in the infantry (poorer) and fit in my younger days, I had dates but was certainly not as attractive to women then.
[deleted] 11mo ago
AsianDude 11mo ago
Agreed that these women would not have fucked me in my twenties. It would be illegal and I would be in jail if I did that.
(shrugs) Between Money & Status vs. Being "Jacked"... As a guy in my mid-30s I prefer Money & Status, there are plenty of early 20s men who are 'Jacked', there's no way a 30s guy like me could compete in that area. Personally, I think Money and Status are more reliable than trying to be "Jacked", my money will probably still be around after I die, there are plenty of women who realize what that means.
FYI several years after I quit the army, I dated a general's 20 y.o. daughter. I'm sure there were plenty of "Jacked" men in her orbit...
[deleted] 11mo ago
AsianDude 11mo ago
My point was being 'jacked' is overrated, don't think race has anything to do with my point?
Despite your point about Asians not being desirable, most of the trashiest women I've seen are from the west and western men have many complaints about their counterparts.
In addition, many of these 'OLD studies' were done in the west so obviously 'Asian people' were not the top choice. Despite globalization, most people still marry their own race, demonstrating that people find their own race most attractive. Being Asian, a continent with over 59% of the world's population... even if every 'western man' dated an Asian woman, there would still be plenty left for me.
(shrugs) You do you man... If being your version of 'beta bucks' lets me attract 18 - 25 virgin women, I'm certainly happy where I am.
I stashed my muscles away for a couple of years and they were replaced by twice the amount of fats. I stashed my cash away for a decade and came back to see how my portfolio multiplied. Clearly money and status are more lasting and important than muscles.
[deleted] 11mo ago
AsianDude 11mo ago
Yeah, anyone who marries me will have the option of being a homemaker for life. What is wrong about attracting girls who want to benefit from my wealth, as long as it isn't the only reason? As long as my wealth is there, they will be reliably attracted to me, right?
The "RAW sexual desire" thing isn't reliable for long-term relationships. I can date a girl and like her the most, but have "RAW sexual desire" for 100s of other women. If this is the primary method of attraction, you are going to have a hard time maintaining it with anyone. No matter how attractive a partner is, once the 'chase, novelty, and mystery' wears off, there will be someone more "desirable".
financehardo420 12mo ago
Quit being such a soy boy. Yes building a good physique takes time it doesn’t happen overnight. That being said just about anyone can make solid changes in just 3 months of hard work. If you keep it going 6 months will have you looking even better; 1 yr you’re prob already in top 10% or better of physiques.
Andrew Tate said it best… if it was easy to get abs everyone would have them and it wouldn’t be special. You have to sacrifice a lot of shit to get there - and go months without eating the foods you wanna eat, go hard in the gym, etc.
Aside from that it’s a pretty simple fookin process man. ~500 calorie deficit daily to reduce body fat; ~500 calorie surplus to bulk and put on muscle. Cycle through and repeat?
Lastly: genetics are relevant I guess if you’re trying to be a professional bodybuilder mr Olympia status. I stopped working out in 2015 and had surgery in 2018. My arms were skinny as fuck; literal toothpicks. In one summer of hard work I went from curling 30lb dumbells to 60lb dumbells each hand and my biceps got bigger than they’ve ever been (even compared to hs when I was a very dedicated athlete curling 45lb dumbells). Stop making excuses and start working
[deleted] 12mo ago
financehardo420 12mo ago
it’s spelled “warrior”
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financehardo420 12mo ago
Lol English isn’t my first language either and my iq is actually 124; nice try bubs. idk how to post pics on here but let’s talk about why you’re so obsessed w seeing pics of shirtless men tho
[deleted] 12mo ago
Vermillion-Rx Admin 12mo ago
Where are you getting this information?
Even if you don't get "jacked" you can get a "hot body" in 4-6 months from skinny
Women will get very turned on at just great definition alone. This negative sour grapes stuff is partly the narrow minded outset you have preventing you from getting laid
[deleted] 12mo ago
Vermillion-Rx Admin 12mo ago
Why you so obsessed with getting people's results pics?
You can't accept simple facts from people with experience and as a man with basically zero experience are just refusing any good faith statements on the topic that are aimed at helping you
You are your own worst enemy. I gaurantee of I sent you before and after pics and comments of girls you'd still find some inane reason to argue over it instead of cutting the black pill nonsense out
[deleted] 12mo ago
Vermillion-Rx Admin 12mo ago
You keep ripping on the amount of effort it takes to get results. As others have mentioned, you're not lifting or eating properly if you're still as lean as you are in your pics.
And no, I'm not sending a pic of myself to anyone as an admin. That's retarded and risky.
If you insist on proof on everything people tell you why even ask questions? Why even browse this forum?
If you need proof on everything, why should anyone answer any of your posts. 99.9% of the answers people give you have zero "proof"
You're asking for advice in bad faith because you have unreasonable requirements for obtaining and considering advice. And just because you took the risk of posting pics publicly doesn't mean everyone else has to submit that to offer you insight.
That's a false and unreasonable bargain to ask an anonymous forum's user base to meet your criteria. Why help you if this is your attitude?
[deleted] 12mo ago
Vermillion-Rx Admin 12mo ago
I have doubts about your lifting regimen
Rustrike 12mo ago
Become top 5% male and then they won't be freezing
[deleted] 12mo ago
coolsocks00 1 12mo ago
Last few years much of the manosphere has devolved into hustler worship focusing mostly on superficial SMV improvements. It's like a get rich quick scheme that's being pushed on social media and spreading everywhere.
Sure, improve your looks, status and earn more money. Duh.
Giving solid game advice for cold approaching young women is harder. There's a lot you can do, but it has to be done well.
Im older than you and sometimes daygame this age group too. A common thing about them is insecurity, which manifests in different ways.
Some are just raging sluts and will love a direct no fucks given approach, no smiling, nothing but assertiveness and hard flirting.
BUT, this is also intimidating for most and would require a very good cold read on your part. Ive had success with this a couple times but its one of those rare occasions where if it works, it works really well.
Others are nervous and require a more positive and energetic approach with good humour. They want a good "vibe" and first and foremost you gotta make it feel natural for them to be with you (at least when you get older). Being too sexual may give that creepy uncle feeling.
I've had dates with younger women where they seem honestly shocked that we're suddenly making out once isolated. Then they're realising that they dig it and get super sexual.
I'll also say that i think young women are even more aware of how composed and confident you are. If you cant keep a strong composure and create a good frame they'll think you're an old chode.
One thing is how you walk over and what you say, the next is how you settle into the conversation. Do you look around nervously to onlookers? Do you audibly swallow, eyes like a deer in headlights? Or do you give her that colder amused mastery type stare and smirk like she's just another piece of meat.
Dont forget that the bigger the age gap the less baseline success you'll have, no matter your game. You need a good volume of approaches at the end of the day.
[deleted] 12mo ago
coolsocks00 1 11mo ago
Early 30s.
[deleted] 12mo ago
coolsocks00 1 12mo ago
You're not very game savvy, so why do you assume to know this..? In case it helps your belief, im short and facially average looking, so no.
Read the sidebar, fix your nutrition re. my other comment, and hit me up if you need tips for decent game related content.
[deleted] 11mo ago
coolsocks00 1 11mo ago
What, do you want me to help you rationalize a lack of success on your part?
[deleted] 11mo ago
coolsocks00 1 11mo ago
You should read more comprehensive posts and books instead of trying to learn game in comments. Done with book of pook and heartiste on game?
Hell, one example was an 18 year old dime all dressed up on the other side of the bus, looking a few years older, ass made in heaven.
I take a read on her as provocative and bold so i decide to be direct when we get off. She gets off first and when we clear the people i stop her with a hey, walk over and tell her im way too old for her but she's sexy so here i am.
Aim was to be grounded and composed. Set a sexual but non needy frame. Hard eye contact. If she's bold and into it she'll shit test right away, and she did, hard.
From there it was quite easy, mostly agree and amplify. The frame sets you apart from other guys who are either needy and supplicative betas or indifferent chads.
I got her number and said we'd do a wine tasting.
Followed that with excellent text game. She came over the next day and was hot and bothered in short order.
Showing that youre not aggressive, not needy, not judgmental, not jealous, etc incrementally.
This is a limiting belief you wont 100% let go of until you live it or see it.
Improve both looks and game, its not either or.
Keep reading and bulking. Implement gradually. Take it seriously.
[deleted] 11mo ago
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coolsocks00 1 11mo ago
I agree, but the better your game is the lower it goes essentially. It's not something that should be taking up mental space is my point.
Fucked a couple more times before she drifted off.
She was my height maybe a bit taller.
She later served me and my friends' table in town. Also saw her in town with her new boyfriend; had her head turning to stare at me and i returned it with a grin. Her bf turned around and got the look as he figured it out. That was fun. Kid didnt know what he was dealing with -- red pill for him.
I did pour us wine.. Im not a savage
It's a agree/disagree button, easier than typing but u get the message
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coolsocks00 1 11mo ago
Tldr. From what i got, you care too much. Shoot your shot and keep going. Dont let some hog put you in a negative headspace.
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dongking 12mo ago
Your question is basically: how do I get rich winning the lottery?
You're currently a mid/avg dude with a lil bit of game. Which is a good start, but it certainly isn't the golden key to unlock the top percentage of women.
They don't freeze cause they're autistic, they freeze cause your SMV isn't high enough.
Lift. Network. Make more money. Looksmax. Then go hunt again and see how it goes.
I'm 30+ and I bang 18-20 year olds year after year. Mostly due to OLD and night game, so I'd recommend not to exclude em.
[deleted] 12mo ago
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dongking 12mo ago
What's your current weight?
What country do you reside in and what's your ethnicity?
Good. Bald-look depends on your face and amount of muscle too. Big muscular frame with a bald head can look masculine and cool af - slim little twink, not so much.
To some extent this can be affected by your location. But still slightly worrying. I absolutely slay on OLD and whilst I'm good looking, I am by no means a 10. Have you tried restarting tinder profile with new SIM, photos and e-mail etc? Some speculate that if you've been shadowbanned or deemed to have a low ELO it can stick around forever, or atleast until you do a hard reset.
[deleted] 12mo ago
dongking 12mo ago
50 kg? That's literally twink level bro.
You need to lift harder and eat ALOT more of proper food. Check out some good programmes like PPL or 5x5 starting strength and get serious with it.
For diet I recomend the vertical diet, google it. Perfect for adding on mass and still staying lean.
Are you located in US, EU or Asia?
Yeah but elo is supposedly affected by the amount of left swipes girls do on you aswell, if you get reported etc etc. i.e. everything - not just your own swipes.
[deleted] 12mo ago
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dongking 12mo ago
Yes, I eat those foods too. They're great. But it is clear you're not eating enough if you're 50kg on a 179cm frame. It's extremely tiny and I would bet it kills your SMV.
Sort it out. Lift harder and eat more of those good foods. You can easily reach 70-75kg within 1-2 years of hard work. It will be night and day in your whole mindset, confidence and how you interact both with men and women.
This is coming from a European btw, so not a fat ass muricans' perspective.
[deleted] 12mo ago
dongking 12mo ago
I'm sure it's genetic to some extent. But it's not the biggest reason why you're 50kg on 179cm. You eat too little and/or burn too much.
Otherwise you'd put on more muscle and be way, way heavier.
Eat more, lift harder if you want to raise your SMV massively. You'll notice the success in your relationship with both men and women. i.e. men will respect you more and women will be more attracted and open to your approach.
coolsocks00 1 12mo ago
Believing that, it's clear you know very little about this subject. Do some research, i suggest checking out Renaissance Periodization's beginner series on youtube, on both lifting and nutrition.
You should gain a ton of weight. You barely exist right now.
dirtymikeandtheboyz 12mo ago
All this get jacked advice is kinda of bs. I get decent results for what I want I'm kind of chubby. Soccer players are certainly not Mr Olympia but they get some of the hottest women in the world. I think being lean trumps having huge size. Past a certain point women don't like it anymore. Also try joining soccer leagues. I usually play in a league or another year round and there always some gorgeous girls for co ed.