this weekend I almost got my ex back…

been fucking a hotter girl and I was with her Friday night. showed up at same bar as ex and I straight ditched her for my ex. She came up to us to interrupt/ask me to buy her a drink; handed her a 20 and dismissed her right in front of ex (kingly power play).

ex pissed me off that night; did one of those swinging hugs w some chad thundercock she used to hook up w while we were walking back to her place. I end up calling the other girl I’ve been hooking up w in front of her and left. Put her in her place and told her I don’t tolerate that kind of behavior; that I’d have to teach her how to carry herself around me. At first she resisted but ended up being submissive; apologized and acknowledged she fucked up. Green flag.

Next night both of them are trying to hang w me. It’s only like 3 good bars here; sure enough they were both @ same bar. New chick notices my ex wearing my rolex and they put two and two together; I got fucked. They were comparing texts n shit lol.

New chick blocked me. Ex ends up going home w some other faggot while she’s wearing my watch… went n got that shit back and then got my new chick back lol.

differences I’ve observed between new chick vs old chick:

1) respect and value. New chick has pretty much always acted correctly. that night she got pissed; took hella shots and cried over me but she didn’t go home w anyone else; she stayed on FaceTime w me till like 5am lol. Ex went and fucked someone else while wearing my 30k watch. and she knows wearing my watch is like a symbol of being my girl - she was a representation of me and she fucked someone else. Flagrant disrespect and lack of value towards me while the other girl displayed endless respect and value towards me.

2) enthusiasm. New chick = very enthusiastic and very submissive. offers to pay for my food; makes genuine effort to get me to like her. ex would take all the things I treated her to for granted and never even once at least offered to pay or split (not that i would’ve let her anyways; just the thought that counts). Easy as fuck to get new chick to spend time w me; was always hard as fuck to get ex to want to do stuff w me.

3) Overall attitudes: new chick always complimenting me - my body, my smile, my cock, literally anything and everything. Ex literally only nagged at me ab my behavior n shit; would pretty much never compliment me even though I would compliment her all the time.

today I blocked ex on everything, demanded her to send me my $500 back that I lent her (knew this was a nuke). Also had a box full of like all our memories; little trinkets from dates n shit, matching outfits, stuff she gave me etc etc. sent her a snap of me throwing it all out in the dumpster. She replayed me and deleted me on snap. Def hurt her feelings. Then I blocked her on snap lolz. Maybe in a couple months I’ll see her at the bars and rail her guts out just to remind her that she lost a fuckin king and a half and ghost her permanently so she feels insecure as fuck ab herself.

key takeaways from this experience:

1) absolutely yes. if you give good dick you can 1000% get your bitch back easily. might take a little time, a little effort, but you can reattract any bitch as long as you have frame and are a man of value.

1b) on the other hand, redpill advice is tbh pretty fucking true and it’s true for a reason. The juice ain’t worth the squeeze boys.

2) never spend your time on an ungrateful bitch. only focus on the ones that treat you like a fucking king and a half and you will have a roster of women that will never ever give other men attention. have hard boundaries and stick to them… ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS display abundance - if a girl doesn’t act the way she should do not hesitate to kick her to the curb. The fact that I was able to get new chick back after all this nuclear warfare means I’ll also still be able to get my ex back in a couple months lol. but I truly don’t want her back anymore - the moment she let another man inside of her was the moment she lost me permanently. that’s one of my biggest boundaries lol my women are my territory and a representation of myself. Whether or not I’m fucking other women is irrelevant if we aren’t in a committed exclusive LTR - if they allow other men to encroach on my territory it’s demeaning and puts my dominance as a man to question. if they do it tell ‘em to kick rocks. simply showing this kind of attitude makes women horny.

3) when in doubt always spin more plates. they’re everywhere - just be confident and smile when you introduce yourself. some will be down for you and some will fuck you off; it’s just part of life.

4) always lift weights. this will keep you physically attractive and show that you are strong and capable of protecting your women. this results in easier access to more plates, which will boost your confidence, SMV, sex game, and overall experience/knowledge/pattern recognition w women in general.

That’s it for now boys I’m off to hit the bars w my boys, meet some new birds n prospect for new plates, and then I’m gonna meet up w my new chick and rail her guts out; she’s earned it after being so loyal to me even though I blatantly fucked her off in favor of my ex lol >=]

microphone drop