In my experience, whenever I have asked a potential or actual LTR about her past relationships I felt like they lost a bit of respect for me afterwards. Asking questions about her past relationships implies that you care about her past and are 'afraid' that she potentially is an alpha widow or are insecure on some level. Like why should I care if I truly believe I am the top dog? Like it doesn't matter who the fuck she dated before, she won't get better than me? Am I right, that's the vibe and attitude you should be giving off, not asking all these questions about her n=count, longest relationship etc.

Also, if you truly are the top prize and worthy of her, it doesn't matter what bullshit she tells you, you should have enough experience to know if she is a slut or not, or she has been alpha widowed or not. Her actions and how she treats you over dating her or LTRing her for 2 years should be enough of a fucking tell-tale sign what she is like.


Person A: A hot 23 year old that has an n count of 2, come from a conservative, well to do family, never slept around or had casual sex, doesn't smoke or drink, but has given herself completely to one of these guys she dated maybe dated some dude she really loved, has been alpha widowed by 1 of them and be fucked up for the rest of her life.

Or you could have a pretty hot 26 year old, that has an n count of 8, but hasn't really been serious given herself much to any guy, drinks every now and then, and be totally normal and treat you really really well.

On paper person A is 100x better than person B, but the reality of it is person B would make a much better partner LTR long term.

So in conclusion, is there any point in asking a woman about her past? Isn't it best to just see by the way she acts and treats you/everyone around her and how she is as a person right now?