A while back I ordered 4 pooters to have some juvenile fun with my 6 and 12 yr old and vent our frustrations with the gynocracy. So we've been regularly making our rounds to various local big-box stores and making very realistic fart sounds that come from our butt region.

Now, you might be asking "What the hell does this have to do with red pill? Male sexual strategy? Getting girls?" and I will answer that question down below but first you have to read a long diatribe about being a man and bonding and masculine energy and fart rape.

So as you know we men feel helpless because "rape" "sexual assault" or whatever power women have now with false allegations. So we can kinda fight it passive-aggressively with inappropriate, but excusable, overt actions. It's much more fun than that because you can get little kids, old people in wheelchairs, whomever.

So the meat of the field report is we farted on literally everyone. And sometimes it was like a cascade of 3 people farting on one person in a row. And there's nothing the people can do. A little 6yr old comes up and bends over and farts in their face. A 12 year old rips a big one walking past a family. A dad raises his leg and lets out a squeaker in front of all the people backed up behind his slow ass.

Now, I know what you're thinking: "How immature. You're such an asshole!". No, not really, I spent some time with my sons defying the gynocentric social order and breaking conventions. And this is where the angry feministas come in. You know, the fat old hags blocking the aisle. We just took advantage of the small space they left us to get by and slipped out some farts as we went. I mean we were clearing aisles of people left and right. From the annoying large families to the old hags standing around lost. They disappeared and order was restored in the aisles of walmart.

You're welcome and may you be as blessed as we have.