My background: Not a high SMV man. Over 18, and IG profile dry as a desert. I just have a single gym picture up with a video. Background of girl: blonde ,HB7.5 She's 17. I'm just an acquaintance (and a few years older)

I dmed this girl on Instagram by responding to a picture she put on her story. The picture was her and her older sister as little kids hugging her dad. It looked friendly, thought it was a good open for conversation, so I responded. Message transcripts: Me: Is that your family? Her: No, it's a stock photo. Me: I didn’t ask you to tell me about your weird hobbies. (Said in response to her sarcasm) Her: Uh you asked Me: (Yet to reply) I don’t know if being bratty is her character 24/7, but her sarcasm feels like a shit test. Or she doesn’t give a shit about the convo because I’m not a HMV man (yet). If it is one, why am I being tested for my comment? Either way, I dislike it. I’m thinking of hitting the nuke button for a response but I need help learning about good responses. What is a good nuke response? I don't care about the outcome. Being blocked, or her going to her sister (HB8.5) about this. I'd hate for her to get away with this. Also I feel I fucked up with my hobby response, it was supposed to be a pressure flip. If I fucked up anywhere else, please let me know. Women will post anything for attention, so she could've been fishing. Was messaging her blue pill behavior? Thanks guys.